Friday, December 03, 2010

" this album is quintessential Dean."

Hey pallies, likes there is an old addage that likes is particularly true with today's edition of Dino-devotion here at ilovedinomartin. From the blog "A Liberal's Libretto comes blogger James Newman's entourage of fav "Holiday Picks."

When you read Mr. Newman's profile you learn that he is a professionally trained singer himself....of opera no less, and likes who is first on his list of "Sounds of the Holiday".....well, of course, our DINO!

I loves readin' Mr. Newman's homage to our Dino sayin' such cool thin's 'bout our King of Cool likes.....

"First on my list of must play music comes from a singer whose voice is so imprinted on my childhood memories that at first hearing, I'm immediately transported back to that happy time." and.....

"Being a particular fan of Dean Martin, Christmas with Dino is one of my faves."

How totally rad that a singer's singer likes James Newman has our Dino on the top of his I sez in our openin' Dino-thoughts....likes it takes one to knows one....and obviously Mr. Newman knows 'bout great singin'....ands likes no greater singer than our beloved Dino!

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to opera singer James Newman for sharin' his unabashed love of our Dino...sure to helps many of likes his readers comes to groove on our Dino as well. To read Mr. Newman's whole post, includin' his other top favs, likes just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-gram. Dino-devotedly, DMP

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Holiday Picks: Sounds of the Holidays

If your house is like ours, your Christmas Tree is already up, your Menorah is in the window and you've got holiday music playing in between the repeated viewings of such holiday movies as A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Grinch That Stole Christmas.

What are we listening to? I'm glad you asked because I have definite opinions on holiday music and I'm not afraid to make those opinions known - right?

First on my list of must play music comes from a singer whose voice is so imprinted on my childhood memories that at first hearing, I'm immediately transported back to that happy time. My mother loved Christmas music and I remember evenings spent listing to Nat King Cole, Englebert Humperdink, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin croon the Christmas standards.

Being a particular fan of Dean Martin, Christmas with Dino is one of my faves. Featuring holiday cuts from the Capitol Records album A Winter Romance and selections from The Dean Martin Christmas Album on Reprise Records, this album is quintessential Dean.

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