Saturday, December 04, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "White Christmas"

Hey pallies, due to the uncertainty of bein' on the 'puter tomorrow, likes this week's Sunday Serenade with Dino will again appear a bit early..... pallies, likes welcomes to the first ilovedinomartin special Dino-winter-month edition of the Dino-serenade. Today we puts the accent on our Dino's dreamy version of "White Christmas" from one of our great man's great Christmas specials.

While our Dino lived and played in sunny Cali where this Dino-clip was filmed, he began his journey in Steubenville, Ohio and woulda spent his boyhood days havin' snowball fights and buildnin' snow forts.....havin' himself a white Christmas durin' his growin' up years.

So when our Dino sings, "I'm dreamin' of a white Christmas"....he is probably rememberin' the days of his youth and snowy Ohio winters back in Stu-ville. And our Dino sings this classic winter tune with the convictions of one who knows of what he speaks.

If memory serves me correctly, I remember readin' more then once, that the writer of "White Christmas," Mr. Irving Berlin" was heard to say that it was our Dino's version that was his favorite. And listenin' and watchin' our Dino sings WC one can truly comprehend why Mr. Berlin woulda have expressed those Dino-feelin's.

I loves how our Dino croons this tune in a very slow and oh, so dreamy fashion....nothin' rushed 'bout our Dino's imagin' the snowy winters of his whether our Dino ever wrote many Christmas cards himself...that's 'nother Dino-story...but he sings it so convincin'ly that you truly believes that he has written tons.

And, we likes all feels so truly Dino-blessed when our Dino sings...
"May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white."

Indeed, likes all our days are made merry and so so bright when we spends our time with our beloved DINO!!!!!

And how wonderful at the end of this song to hear our Dino's sincerest of sincere wishes for all his beloved pallies....""Merry Christmas everybody, and may God bless you!"

Our Dino-winter-month is full of Dino-merriment longs as we are groovin' on our Dino.
Enjoys listenin' to our King of Cool sings 'bout the coolest time of the year. Wishin' you a White Christmas Dino-style! Dino-dreamy, DMP

White Christmas by Irving Berlin

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

I am dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white


  1. This is a great version of Dean singing White Christmas.
    No one can sing it like Dean

  2. Hi Dino Dude,
    this is so cool, i was gonna choose this song too.
    We both think the same :)
    Really dig Dino being on the ranch

  3. Isn't this beautiful?

    I remember when this was shown on TV. Those were the days!

  4. Hey pallie, one sings "White Christmas" likes our beloved Dino...likes Ky, were you the one who told me that Irving Berlin remarked that he loved the Dino-version best?

  5. Hey pallie, Deanager Levi, didn't get the word that you wanted to Dino-patter on this great Dino-winter-tune....and indeed dude we are like a couple of Dino-bros that likes thinks in very much the same Dino-direction...and ideed, I too, dig seein' our great man at his Dino-ranch...

  6. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW...likes totally totally cool that you remember when this first shown on the little screen...
