Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: Marshmallow World"

Hey pallies, likes this is becomin' likes business as Dino-usual, but likes gonna puts up this weeks Dino-serenade a day early 'gain 'cause in the hustle and bustle of this Dino-season just might not gets to the 'puter tomorrow and I woulda not wants likes to deprive any of us Dino-holics likes from gettin' our weekly fix of the Dino-serenade.....

Likes can all you pallies believe that we are likes just a couple of weeks away from Dino-winter-day....that bittersweet day when we pays homage to our Dino on his departure from our midst? Speakin' of payin' homage to our Dino..... today's special Dino-winter-time edition of Sunday Serenade with Dino features what likes I consider to be the mostly royally regal Dino-clip of our royally regal King of Cool singin' his coolest of the cool winter tunes "Marshmallow World."

Likes when I watch this clip from a 70's Bob Hope Winter TV Special, I can't help but image our beloved Dino reignin' high on his royal throne...that crushed green velvet chair......omni-present cigarette in hand...likes a royal scepter...pontificatin' on the virtues of a yum-yummy "Marshmallow World."

Well, 'nough of my Dino-reflections pallies, 'cause today our swingin' Deanager Levi from down under plays homage to our Dino with his ever insightful Dino-thoughts on likes how much he so so digs our Dino's singin' of "Marshmallow World."

Levi is truly one youthful mod who is likes totally sold out to our Dino. Our great man means everythin' to Deanager Levi and likes his Dino-patter is just so chocked full of Dino-passion.

ilovedinomartin sez our Dino-appreciato to Levi for spreadin' some Dino-love 'round these here Dino-parts through his Dino-ponderin's on our masterful Dino's rendition of "Marshmallow World." Dino-diggin', DMP

I really enjoy Dean Martin's Christmas songs, he does them better than anyone else.
I really dig Marshmallow World and I know some good friends who also dig this song.
Its a Dino song which can be played anytime of the year and I know a girl who plays this song all during the year and I dedicate my sunday serenade to my pal Kylie who isnt feeling very well right now.

I seen a few videos of Dino singing this song but this video is the best of the best.
The first thing we see is the snowman through the window and then the christmas tree, the room looks so nice and big and full of christmas spirit.

Dean goes over to a nice comfy chair in front of an open fire place and he starts singing Marshmallow World and I thinks every one who sees this video feels like they are there with Dino in the room.

I like the open fireplace because I got one at my new pad and I never had one before.
I wish it was winter here so I could sit by an open fire listening to my Dino songs.
And this song would be right at the top of my list.
A really cool song to sit and enjoy hearing.


Marshmallow World

It's a marshmallow world in the winter
When the snow comes to cover the ground
It's the time for play, it's a whipped cream day
I wait for it the whole year round.

Those are marshmallow clouds being friendly
In the arms of the evergreen trees
And the sun is red like a pumpkin head
It's shining so your nose wont freeze.

The world is your snowball, see how it grows
Thats how it goes whenever it snows
The world is your snowball just for a song
Get out and roll it along

It's a yum-yummy world made for sweethearts
Take a walk with your favorite girl
It's a sugar date, what if spring is late
In winter it's a marshmallow world.


  1. I love this song so much and I love this video clip so much :)
    I want to thank Levi for dedicating this song to me.
    It truly is one of my all time favourite Dean Martin songs.
    Dean appeared on several of Bob Hope`s specials but this was the big highlight.
    Dean is so great singing this.
    I love the set with the open fireplace and the christmas feel to it.
    Levi you have done a great job :)

  2. This is so cool, I really dig this video

  3. Hey pallie, thanks Ky for speakin' from the bottom of your so many of us Dino-devotees are likes so stuck on this particular Dino-rendition of "Marshmallow World." For me, this Dino-vid is second only to our Dino's MTV vid of "Since I Met You Baby." Both show our cool, hip, and ever randy Dino at simply his Dino-best.....

  4. Hey pallie, Deanager indeed man...and we so so diggs your Dino-patter on this ultra-cool Dino-winter-tune....thanks for showin' us unabashed devotion to our beloved Dino....

  5. Levi chose the best Dino Martin youtube clip I`ve seen.
    Great song and a great job

  6. Hey pallie, Deanager Shaun, might I commend you for your Dino-taste...this version of "Marshmallow World" is likes totally totally Dino-riffic....keeps lovin' our Dino and likes stops by more often Shaunie dude.....
