Thursday, December 09, 2010

Sends Some Dino-cheer To Your Dino-holic Pallies!

Hey pallies, from our pallies at our Dino's offical pad, "" comes likes a very very special Dino-treat for all us Dino-holics to share with those near and dear to us durin' this Dino-winter-month.....a musical Dino-ecard puttin' the accent on this Dino-holiday time.

Likes if you clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-gram you'll gets to the Dino-site where you can create and send the musical Dino-ecard featurin' graphics from the latest edition of the Dino-winter-disc "Dean Martin My Kind Of Christmas" and the "Winter Wonderland" tune as only likes our Dino cans sings it. Just likes types in the name of the pallie you wanna sends some Dino-cheer to, 'long with their email address, your tag and email address, and, likes of course your Dino-prose.

We sez our thanks to the pallies at "" for helpin' us pallies spread the Dino-message of holiday cheer in likes such a cool cool Dino-way.... Dino-cheerin', DMP

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