Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"My memories of the good are my best friends. And Dino provided the soundtrack."

Hey pallies, likes here is more homage to our beloved Dino from our Dino-lovin' lady of the "Longshot's Blog" whose outstandin' Dino-trib," Oh! Dino How I Miss You," was featured yester-Dino-day here at ilovedinomartin.

Upon my speakin' some Dino-patter of Dino-appreciato at her blog, this Dino-diggin' lady shared more with me 'bout the history of her Dino-yearnin' and the amazin' depth of her Dino-devotion!

I trust likes you will revel in her Dino-prose as much as I does. Ain't nothin' like findin' kindred Dino-spirits to share our common Dino-adulation. And, likes the Dino-link she mentions to 'nother great piece of Dino-prose will no doubt appear soon here at ilovedinomartin.

ilovedinomartin sends our Dino-thanks to his Miss Longshot for sharin' boldly and beautifully her profoundly pure Dino-passion with us. To view the "Longshot's Blog" just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post. Dino-sweet, DMP

Thank You kentsmokerguy,

This man’s music affected me from a very very young age. I’d say like 3. As I said in the blog my Aunt Annie had two 45s ( In reality both my Aunts had every album he made ) of An Evening in Roma, and the one playing. I fell in love with Professor! Professor! and it will always have a place in my heart until the day I die.

The memories from this music can bring on crying because I miss my Aunt so much. And Dean Martin I was bonkers about. My Mom would take me to the show to see his movies. I specifically remember ” How to save a marriage and ruin your life ” and ” Airport “. I got yelled at more times on Thursday nights when Dino came on than any other. When I was coming up in 60s, you butt had better been in bed when your parents said so. I’d always be sneaking around the corner to watch his show. Sometime I got caught other times I lucked out. Then there were times they knew but let it go.

I absolutely adored Dean Martin. What girl wouldn’t of? lol
Well nothing has changed 3 years old or 53. I remember when he died and on Christmas of all days. The first one I called was my Aunt Annie. I swear it felt like we lost a family member. A year later I lost her.

My memories of the good are my best friends. And Dino provided the soundtrack.

I hope you click on to this link, I know you would enjoy it. Thanks again for the response.



  1. Even though I was only 5 years old I remember the day Dean died.
    It came as such a shock.
    I felt he was invincible.
    It was the saddest Christmas I ever had

  2. Hey pallie, a very sad day indeed when our Dino left our planet...but how amazin' that at the tender age of 5, our Dino's death had such a profound impact on your young life...a tribute to the wonderful job your father had done in helpin' you know, love, and honor our Dino at such a young age...truly awesome....
