Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Makin' the Dino-winter-day pilgrimage with you.....

Hey pallies, likes we have come to the start of our Dino-winter-day rememberin' here at ilovedinomartin. Each December, we pause to shows mucho love and respect to our Dino as we approach whats we likes tagg "Dino-winter-day"....December 25th....the day of Dino-departure, when our great man departed the earth.

All us Dino-devotees have likes such mixed Dino-feelin's as Dino-winter-day approacheth...such saddness to no longer have our King of Cool walkin' the earth, but such peace knowin' that our Dino was ready to finish his earthly journey leavin' behind an unparalleled legacy of cool for pallies forever to follow the Dino-way.

Durin' our journey to Dino-winter-day we plans to have many and varied ways to honor the life, times and teachin's of our Dino. Look for very special editions of Sunday Serenades with Dino where we hopes to have a variety of Dino-devotees sharin' their Dino-reflections on some of our great man's great Dino-winter-tunes.

Woulda so loves it if many of our faithful readers of ilovedinomartin woulda comes forward to share their own personal testimonies of how our Dino has impacted their lives. If likes you woulda be interested in partakin' in honorin' our Dino in some special way durin' our journey to Dino-winter-day, likes just leaves some comment on this Dino-gram with your email, and likes I will so so Dino-delighted to do some Dino-discussin' with you 'bout your possible Dino-contribution. Will be so lookin' forward to havin' many of you Dino-philes spreadin' your Dino-love here at ilovedinomartin durin' our pilgrimage to Dino-winter-day. Dino-awed, DMP


  1. Hey pal, great idea. Let me know how I can be part of this wonderful month of extra special Dino-devotion. My birthday just so happens to fall on 12/20 so maybe this could be a target date for myself. Let me know pallie.

    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, thanks so much Danny-o for the Dino-support my friend...likes how-ever our Dino leads you will be likes so cool my let's pencil you in on the 20th...and if you have more time to give to our Dino that woulda be great....why not email me your thoughts 'bout how you wanna honor our Dino durin' Dino-winter-month as we approacheth Dino-winter-day...
