Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Because Sometimes You've Just Got to Sit Down in a Tuxedo Over the Holidays... and Sing"

Hey pallies, likes this is just so cool.... today's Dino-love comes from the pages of the on-line presence of Esquire Magazine's "The Style Blog,"where Mr. Matt Sullivan, Web Director for Esquire, has posted that Dino-perfect vid clip of "Marshmallow World."

Yeh, yeh, I knows pallies that likes that same Dino-clip has been shared twice in the last few Dino-days, but when the likes of Esquire mag has the outstandin' taste of it's premier fashion director liftin' up our beloved Dino in this amazin' way, likes I just haves to let the whole wide world Dino-community knows this awesome news.

ilovedinomartin shares our ever grateful Dino-appreciato to Mr. Sullivan for promotin' our beloved Dino in this fantastic way...puttin all his "The Style Blog" readers onto, as he says in his own words, "the incomparable Dean Martin."

This holiday postin' is sure to draw many of today's nouveau hipsters on to fallin' for our King of Cool in likes the biggest Dino-way possible...and likes I gotta 'fess up that I unabashedly loves to share this likes most perfect of perfect Dino-clips as often as I can this Dino-season!

It's pallies like style man Sullivan who is gonna guarantee that the life and legacy will likes goes on forever and ever....and likes how Dino-riffic is that dudes?!?!?!?
Dino-psyched, DMP btw, to checks this out in it's original format, likes clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-message...and likes note that actually this Dino-clip came as mentioned before from a Bob Hope Christmas special from the '70's....

Because Sometimes You've Just Got to Sit Down in a Tuxedo Over the Holidays... and Sing

December 15, 2010 at 10:04AM by Matt Sullivan

The incomparable Dean Martin, whose excessive smoking is only slightly less vulgar than the fantastic Nick Tosches biography Dino (another gift alert!), singing "A Marshmallow World" during one of his much-beloved yet only slightly missed Christmas specials.


  1. Hey pal, I can't agree with youse more. This Dino song/video should be played as much as humanly possible! Any excuse to play Dean is a great excuse to me! Keep em' comin' pallie!

    Danny G.


  3. Bummer! The video has been removed.

    But it's cool that Esquire gave Dino such praise.

    Hey, DMP. Check out the Dino song I posted for one of my Christmas music interludes during this 2010 holiday season.

  4. Hey pallie, thanks so much Danny-o for those kinds words of Dino-encouragement...Miss AOW has just 'lerted us that the youtube folks have pulled this bestest of the best Dino-winter-tune...nothin' coulda be more disrespectin' of our Dino and more Scrooge like den dis! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Hey pallie, Andy dude so great of you to send some winter wishes our way....and indeed, you can trust that ilovedinomartin will continue to spread the Dino-message as far and wide as it is possible. Wishin' you a cool Dino-winter-time man....

  6. Hey pallie, thanks for 'lertin' us to the Dino-displacement...that is likes you say the hugest of the huge "bummner!" 'specially as Dino-winter-day is just one weeks away...likes I hopes someone else will be any to gets it back in soon....thanks for spreadin' some Dino-love at your outstandin' blog...."Silver Bells" is just so Dino-incredible...sung as only our beloved Dino can sing it....will likely post it sendin' ilovedinomartin readers your way....all my Dino-best to you and Mr. AOW as you prepare for Dino-winter-day....
