Friday, November 26, 2010

"I knew DEAN MARTIN at the end of his career and was so proud when Clark Couty renamed Industrial Road DEAN MARTIN Drive."

Hey pallies, from our Dino's playland, 'Vegas Baby 'Vegas, comes this true Thanksgivin' Dino-tale. From the pad "House Of H2o" and coolster Willie Watters comes this reminder of just how important it is to keep spreadin' the Dino-message 'round.

Seems Willie, who proudly proclaims ""I knew DEAN MARTIN" was asked by a nouveau hipster for directions to a pad "just off of Dean Martin Drive." Mr. Watters gives 'em to the dude, and in checkin' back the youngster sez, "Hey? What do I do after I go down on RICKY MARTIN?" Wells likes the whole place exploded in laughter and you can read all 'bout it below.

Likes pallies this story reminds me of how much I loves how our Dino twists up information and cracks up his audience each and every time with such Dino-isms.
But, likes this dude obviously wasn't makin' likes our Dino....this dude needs to gets a proper Dino-education...and thus the need to keeps spreadin' the Dino-message 'round.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Dino-devotee Mr. Willie Watters for this sharin' this Thanksgivin' Dino-feature with us. I'm thankful for pallies likes Watters for sharin' his Dino-devotion with his readers...and most of all I am thankful for our Dino and in Willie's words "I'll cherish every funny memory of this memorable star..." To view this at Willie's pad, just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-gram. Dino-cherishin', DMP


I have lived my entire adult life in Las Vegas, Nevada, and, over the past twenty years, I've worked with most of the big name stars and high energy shows, helping make me one of many Las Vegas spokesmen. I love that and I love the tourists.

It's Thanksgiving and I'm at the Las Vegas Hilton Sportsbook when a cool young guy comes over to my table and asks for directions to a place south of us, just off of Dean Martin Drive.

I knew DEAN MARTIN at the end of his career and was so proud when Clark Couty renamed Industrial Road DEAN MARTIN Drive. I'll cherish every funny memory of this memorable star and am so proud to know members of the family, especially the talented singer and radio host DEANA MARTIN.

I happily give the guy directions, which he types into his iPhone, checks the Google map, shakes my hand and then leaves. A minute later he comes back into the sportsbook and, over the noise of multi-football broadcasts and loads of other losers like me who are spending the holiday in a casino, yells, "Hey? What do I do after I go down on RICKY MARTIN?"

You couldn't make up a funnier moment. It was like in the movies when everything stops. I think I even heard the scratch of a record, bringing the place to a screeching halt.


Then, the laughter exploded.

The young guy was embarrassed. He held up his hand, hushed the crowd and said, "Okay, okay, my bad. I meant to say: What do I do after I go down on DEAN MARTIN."

An old timer looked up from his Racing Form and yelled back, "Ask Mrs. Martin."

I love Las Vegas.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by Willie Watters at 7:18 PM

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