Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Tip Of My Fingers"

Hey pallies, likes comin' down a set of black wrought iron stairs, his familiar tux covered by a cool cream-colored trench coat, with his ever-present cigarette in hand, our Dino does his commandin' rendition of country music artist Bill Anderson's ballad of amore, "Tip Of My Fingers"'s Dino-tune bein' featured on Sunday Serenade with Dino.

Dino has that amazin' gift of makin' each and every song that he sings his very Dino-own and his version of this classic country ballad from the Dino-show is no exception. Indeed our beloved Dino is in command of each phrase, each word, indeed each and every syllable that he croons.

Likes pallies, I am likes always truly so amazed at the immense depth of emotions that our Dino emotes in singin' this sort of ballad of amore....a depth that goes beyond our mere mortal comprehension.

And as our Dino sings with that depth of emotions, likes you truly feels as if he is speakin' from his real life experience of lost amore...'bout a chick that he let slips through his hands...nows it's truly hard to believe that our Dino ever let any beauty slips by him, but likes as we listen to his ever so so serious singin' of this ballad, just likes has to makes all us dudes wonder if our great man was thinkin' 'bout some young thin' that he somehow let's get by him.

Guess pallies, likes we'll never know if he had any particular romantic moments on his mind as he sang...but certainly we are drawn into the song and feel the Dino-depths of his loss of amore.

So likes, sits backs pallies and immerse yourself in the beautiful sounds of our Dino singin' his beautiful rendition of "Tip Of My Fingers." Dino-amazed, DMP

I reached out my arms and I touched you
With soft words I whispered your name
I held you right on the tip of my fingers
But that was as close as I came

My eyes had a vision of sweet lips
Yeelding beneath my command
I held your love on the tip of my fingers
But I let it slip right through my hands
Yes I let it slip right through my hands

Somebody took you when I wasn't looking
And I should have known from the start
It's a long long way from the tip of my fingers
To the love hidden deep in your heart
To the love hidden deep in your heart

I held your love on the tips of my fingers
But I let it slip right through my hands
But I let it slip right through my hands


  1. Man o man! Dino truly does make every song his very own! No one does it better that The King of Cool!

    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, Danny dude likes cool to know that we are likes always on the same Dino-page...thanks my Dino-bro...

  3. Hi Dude,
    This is one of the coolest Dino songs ever.
    Really dig this clip, Ky has another clip too, Dino sits at a table with a glass of somethin, spose to be wine.
    He is dressed in a tux and sings this cool on both vids.
    Like the coat he wears on this one.
    Great choice Dude

  4. Hey pallie, Deanager Levi, thanks for showin' some Dino-appreciato...this is truly a way cool Dino-rendition of a Dino-classic..keeps lovin' our Dino pallie!
