Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hey pallies, likes I just loves findin' and postin' Dino-treasures of all sorts...likes here is an article from a mag tagged "TV RADIO SHOW," that tells 'bout the night that mother Jeanne left our Dino "to save her son" Dino Jr.

How much of this Dino-prose is fact, and how much fiction will probably never ever be known 'cause likes you knows the tabs love to play thin's up hugely...but thoughts all you pallies woulda be interested in readin' this Dino-information.

In the days when our Dino was at the pinacle of his success, ever so many mags loved featurin' articles 'bout our Dino's swingin' escapades! Remembers pallies, likes if you click on each "pix" you will be enabled to enlarge 'em so they will be so so much easier to Dino-consume. Read 'way pallies! Dino-endulgin', DMP


  1. I well remember reading the news that Dino had broken up with Jeanne.

    A pity, really. They both dearly loved each other -- forever, I think.

  2. Hey pallie, well Miss AOW, all lady lovers of our Dino pretty much agree that our Dino and the Jeanne we always in love with each other. When I have read and heard the Jeanne speak of her relationship with our Dino, I certainly have my doubts of her undyin' love...and our Dino certainly had some good times with younger women after he cut the strin's with the Jeanne....

  3. I couldnt read most of this(too small)...why did Jeanne have to choose between Dean and Dino?

  4. Hey pallie, likes long time no hear from...likes if you clicks on the pixs they will enlarge and you will be able to read all but the smallest page....and in so doin' you will learn the Dino-story....

  5. Yea, i've been on this other site latetly....i did but they stayed the same size :(

  6. Hey pallie, that's interestin' 'cause they usually enlarge at least a bit....well from what I can tell mother Jeanne was concerned about patter 'bout Dino Jr. that mighta made it hard for him to get into the college that he wanted to...but as you can read, this was not the thin' that had our Dino cut the strings with the Jeanne...that, of course was our Dino bein' smitten by Miss USA, Gail Renshaw....
