Friday, October 15, 2010


Hey pallies,from the blog "Great Entertainers Archives" modded by our Dino-lovin' pallie Lobosco comes today's Dino-dose of Dino-devotion....our Dino's only music vid, created by his boypallie Ricci, shown on MTV...the Dino-perfect filmed Dino-version of his classic, Since I Met You Baby."

This Dino-vid is likes probably likes the most often Dino-vid shared here at ilovedinomartin...I'm not ashamed to say that likes I will use any any Dino-reason I can find to post it at this humble little Dino-pad and our pallie Lobosco sharin' with his pallies is good 'nough reason to share it here. Likes when I need a little Dino-pick-me-up to keeps my Dino-addiction goin' this Dino-vid is likes what I most often turns to.

Likes pallies, I simply never ever tire of watchin' this vid of our very mod Dino croonin' this I sez thanks to Mr. Lobosco for liftin' up the name of our Dino to his pallies and givin' this Dino-holic yet 'nother reason to shares this hot Dino-vid with all you dudes! Since we met our Dino, certainly we all are different pallies....hooked on our King of Cool!!!! Dino-addictedly, DMP

Here is a great video of Dean Martin. I think if the music industry was better, Dino would have been perfect for the medium of music television. Here is the only music video that Dean did. It was a video for his song "Since I Met You Baby". It was from his last album "The Nashville Sessions". The video was from the mid 1980s. The video was different, and Dino pulled it off...


  1. You are so right pal o' mine! Great song...great video! Don't mind hearin' that anytime!!!

    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, Danny dude likes I just knew that a sold out Dino-holic like you woulda thinks long the same Dino-line as me...."Since We Met Our Dino, we are truly happy men!

  3. This is the coolest vid i ever seen, I dig this the most

  4. Hey pallie, Levi man...likes you always likes speaks the Dino-truth...'nother better then our Dino singin' "Since I Met You Baby" in this likes totally totally rad Dino-vid...thanks for droppin' some Dinopatter our Deanager Levi...
