Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dean Martin's Nickel Breakfast

Hey pallies, likes in referrin' to his performances on the Dino-show, our Dino often sez that "I play to da common folk." And, likes we know that the "common folk" loves our Dino, but likes have you ever wondered if our rich, famous, handsome, multi-talented Dino can really relate to the ups and down of the average dude's daily life?

Today's Dino-post by Mr. Paul Kyriazi at the ecademy.com pad (clicks on tag of this Dino-post to goes there) assures all us pallies that indeed our Dino knows, our Dino understands, and our Dino cares 'bout the plight of "da common folk."

Mr. Paul recounts the often shared Dino-tale of how our great man and Sonny King found a creative way of sharin' a nickel breakfast between 'em when they were likes short of bread.

Cool, how the manager of the breakfast joint caught on to the Dino-scheme and likes graciously offered to feed 'em both for a nickel. Our generous Dino and Mr. King remembered that kind deed and, as you will soon read, when they had made it big, made the effort to search for that generous manager and each gifted him with $25 grand each.

Indeed, our Dino has had more then one hard luck story in his day...so take heart that our beloved Dino understands our struggles as well. And, likes when our Dino made it big, likes he rewarded those that had helped him out in his strugglin' days.

I truly never ever tire of readin' true Dino-history...always learnin' from...always growin' from our Dino's life and times and his Dino-responses to whatever life throws him! ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Paul Kyriazi for liftin' up the name of our Dino and sharin' this bit of Dino-history with his readers. Dino-learnin', DMP

Social : Dean Martin's Nickel Breakfast - Don't Miss this!

by Paul Kyriazi on 10-Oct-10 9:39am

When singers Dean Martin and Sonny King had little money, they would go to a restaurant that served 2 donuts, coffee, and orange juice for a nickel. Sonny stayed outside while Dean ate one donut, half the coffee and juice.

Then Sonny would go in and say, "Hey Dean, you've got an important call." Dean would say, "Okay. Why don't you finish my breakfast." which Sonny did.

After doing this several times, the manager caught on and said, "You guys don't have to do this. Come in together and I'll serve you both for a nickel."

Years later, Dean and Sonny searched for the manager and gave him $25,000 each.


  1. So, not only was Dean a classy guy, he chose his friends well. Good to know!

  2. I loved reading this article :)
    I have read of the friendship Dean and Sonny King shared, the hard times when they shared a room and made money by setting up boxing contests.
    Reading about the way Dean and Sonny would find the way to share breakfast is fascinating.
    I know back in the Martin and Lewis days, Dean was no good at handling money but he learned from his mistakes and in later life invested wisely.

  3. I always say that we need to remember where we come from. Dino obviosly did and this is just one example I'm sure.
    Danny G.

  4. Hey pallie, glads to hear from you Miss Gayle Carline...and you are so so right on in both those Dino-categories...likes the more I learn of Dino, the more I loves him for the amazin' he sets for all pallies to follow....

  5. Hey pallie, Miss Ky, I loves readin' these Dino-tales myself...helps us learn more 'bout the life and times of our beloved Dino..who sets such a stellar example for all us pallies to follow...

  6. Hey pallie, my man Dan, well said my Dino-holic bro...I loves how our Dino sets us the course that all of us true pallies so desire to follow....the Dino-way to the Dino-life....
