Thursday, October 28, 2010

...Bing and Dean Martin stole the show to be honest.

Hey pallies, likes our pallie David Lobosco, was so kind as to sends me a heads-up-o'gram that he had likes just posted a "Good Old Songs Melody" clip at his Bing devoted blog, "The Bing Crosby Media Archive." The vid clip features our Dino croonin' some very old tunes with pallies frankie and der Bing. As pallie Lobosco notes, "...Bing and Dean Martin stole the show to be honest."

Indeed our beloved Dino does steal the show with his light-hearted patter and the signature way that our great man has of messin' with the lyrics of songs and makin' us laugh all the more....oh Dino, what you dos to us Dino-holics!

ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. David for so kindly sharin' our Dino with his readers, helpin' der Bing fans to comes on over to the Dino-side! And, I likes thanks Lobosco for makin' the extra effort to likes put me on to his blog efforts. To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-devotedly, DMP


Thursday, October 28, 2010

This clip is one of my favorite segments from Bing's appearances on television. It was from a Frank Sinatra Timex show...Bing and Dean Martin stole the show to be honest. There are nothing like good old songs...

Posted by Lobosco

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