Thursday, September 02, 2010

Yesterday In Dino-history: September 1, 1949

Hey pallies, likes so so sorry to have missed postin' this Dino-entry yesterday. On September 1, 1949 our Dino took Miss Jeanne Biegger as wife numero duo. On the third clip from the E True! Story of our Dino comes some rembrances of that day from our Dino's partner Jerry Lewis. Likes if you goes to 'bout 4:00 in the clip you will hear how our Dino let his emotions out for one day and was cryin' over how happy he was to be takin' the Jeanne for his wife. Listen to the lovin' words of Jerry shares how he hugged and conforted our great man. Again, sorry to have missed postin' this Dino-rembrance yesterday. If you clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post you will go to the Dean Martin Timeline from Homegrown Heroes. Dino-learnin', DMP

September 1, 1949 Dean married for the second time, to Jeanne Biegger , a former Orange Bowl Queen of Florida


  1. It seems they were a good couple, wonderful couple. A very interesting documentary.

    I hope you're having a good week, DMP. Take care! ;-)

  2. Hey pallie, any couple that includes our Dino woulda naturally be the coolest most outstandin' couple 'round...great to hear from my Dino-bro...keeps lovin' our Dino....

  3. Jeannie was the one true love of Dean`s life.
    Temptation led him astray but towards the end of his life he wanted so much to remarry Jeannie.
    It`s sad it never happened.
    It`s a great documentary.

  4. Hey pallie, thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter 'gain...likes if our Dino ever had a lady he loved it woulda be the several interviews he said that he and Jeanne were gettin' back together again...
