Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Houston"

Hey pallies, likes Sunday has come 'gain and likes it's time for 'nother Sunday Serenade with Dino...and pallies, likes we are all in for a real Dino-treat this very Dino-day, 'cause today the Serenade welcomes likes it first guest Dino-commentator.

Aussie Levi Hollingsworth joins team ilovedinomartin for the first time sharin' his cool and clever take on the Dino-standard, "Houston." At the youthful age of 17, our pallie Levi is one savvy Deanager, truly in the Dino-know. Levi has been diggin' our Dino for years, havin' first heard the glorious sound of our Dino's voice waffin' out the window of a neighbor's house when he was a child.

So, likes dudes, sits back and enjoys our Dino-devoted pallie Levi's Dino-patter on the Dino-classic "Houston." I am sure that Levi would really dig some of you pallies leavin' him some Dino-encouragement in the comments section.

Thanks Levi for sharin' your Dino-passion with us and we hopes to hear lots more Dino-reflections from you in the future. (btw, pallies, Levi's tag for me is Dino Dude.) Dino-psyched, DMP

Hi Dino Dude :)
this is Levi
been watchin Thats Amore and my fav Dino song of the dvd Houston.
I am gonna try and give my thoughts on this cool Dino song.
These are my thoughts anyhow, i think lots of fans might agree.
Thanx Dino Dude.
Right from the start, Dino comes out in a cool cowboy outfit and he needs a shave so we all get the reason why Dino is dressed up as a cowboy.
He is making another western flick.
Lookin at Dino, i am guessin it might be Sons of Katie Elder, thats just a guess tho.
Dino looks so cool and he is really enjoying himself having a fun time with this song.
He jokes to someone off camera, you are nuts
Gets me laughin even more
Like in his other stand up songs our Dino sits himself down on his stool and then he pulls out a mouth organ.
So neat, the first time i saw Dino sing this, I thinks to myself how cool this Dino is, he can even play the mouth organ and play it great.
Dino has a smile on his face and we get the feeling Dino might just be pulling our leg.
Our Dino puts the mouth organ back in his shirt pocket and goes on with his singing, then the mouth organ starts playin again and Dino has forgotten to get it out in time.
If it had been a gun, he woulda been faster on the draw.
Dino not only looks so cool, he is very funny and watching Dino makes us feel good.
I really dug this song even b4 I ever seen the video.
I dig the shows where Dean is in a cowboy outfit.
He looks so cool with that rugged look.
I never laughed so much in my life, this is just so funny
Thanx from Levi


  1. Hi Dino Dude :)
    Like Wow !
    This is so cool, me and Shaun are looking at this now with another mate at school Marty and I really dig the intro you gave me
    Cant wait to show my mum tonight :)
    Bye Dude
    from Levi, Shaun and Marty

  2. Wow !
    Levi, you are famous :)
    I just showed this to Aunty Cathy and she almost fell backwards, lol
    We both agree you did a great job writing the comments for this great song.
    I wish I could do as well.
    Great work
    Kylie xxxoooxxx

  3. Hey pallie, Levi man, so glad you digs the intro....and that you are able to show it to some of your mates...likes let me know when you are up to doin' 'nother Sunday Serenade with Dino...likes I think our Ky is goin' to share some Dino-song-patter next time...keeps lovin' our Dino...

  4. Hey pallie, Miss Ky, I am sure that our Levi will be pleased as Dino-punch that you approve of his and your fam have aided our Deanager Levi so much in the growin' of his Dino-devotion...are you thinkin' 'bout which Dino-tune you wanna share your deep Dino-thoughts 'bout for next week's Serenade?

  5. After reading this Sunday Serenade message written by young Levi.
    I will be getting out my Thats Amore dvd and watching it once again.
    Great input from Levi.
    My friend, you and your generation will keep Dino on top for many years to come where he has allways been.
    The King of the Hitmakers

  6. Hey pallie, thanks Mr. Paul for your words of Dino-encouragement for our Deanager Levi...btw, woulda you have any interest in doin' some Dino-patter on a Dino-tune for Sunday Serenade? Always cool to have other true Dino-holics share their Dino-passion....lets me know pallie...
