Sunday, September 05, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "By The Time I Get To Phoenix"

Hey pallies, 'nother Sunday has come 'round and thus 'nother opportunity to once 'gain share a stellar song of amore from our Dino. Today's Sunday Serenade with Dino features that classic tune first made famous by Glen Campbell, "By The Time I Get To Phoenix."

Well Glen does it well, but of course our Dino does it best! This couch version of the tune has our Dino's stamp of approval likes alls over it. No one has the abilty to milk every nuance outta every single syllable of every single word of a song likes our beloved Dino.

Our Dino croons this tune bringin' a depth of feelin' to this musical tale likes that is so so extraordinary, likes to the point where I can see each and every town that our Dino is passin' through and the deep emotions that his amore is havin' at each town on the journey away from Phoenix....I simply continue to stand in awe of our Dino's gift for passionately singin' as if he is truly livin' the story he is singin'! Enjoys pallies, and likes remember, truly only Dino matters! Dino-awed, DMP


  1. Glen does it well, but of course our Dino does it best!


    Glen Campbell was an excellent musician and all. But his voice simply didn't have the resonance of Dino's. Dino's pipes were more resonant and more expressive.

  2. Plus, when Dino sings this song, he sounds as if his is the voice of personal experience.

    Dino's version of the song pulls the listener in much better than Glen Campbell's versions ever did.

    Great post, DMP.

  3. Great version.
    Only Dino can sing this the way it should be sung

  4. Hey pallie, well Miss AOW, I gotta say that I absolutely agree with your Dino-assessment as well...
    " Dino's pipes were more resonant and more expressive."

    I does think that our Dino's rendition of "Phoenix" is a supurb example of such....his expressiveness is simply outta this world! Thanks for takin' the time to drops some more Dino-thoughts...2 quires, how is Mr. AOW doin' and has school started for you yet?

  5. Hey pallie, Miss AOW, likes sometimes I struggle with just the right Dino-thoughts to express how I feel 'bout a Dino-tune...and today your words are exactly what I wanna sez..."Plus, when Dino sings this song, he sounds as if his is the voice of personal experience." Thanks for sayin' perfectly what likes I meant...what a pleasure to have someone with your knowledge of the English language to say it Dino-perfectly...remember when and if you ever have some time woulda totally totally loves to have you do some Dino-commentary for us...likes woulda you ever think of pickin' a Dino-serenade song and sharin' your Dino-thoughts?

  6. Hey pallie, Mr. Paul, so nice to hear from 'nother Dino-lover such as yourself on this great Dino-tune...indeed only our Dino truly gives this song justice....keeps lovin' our beloved Dino....

  7. DMP,
    Late getting back here because Mr. AOW and I were on stay-cation.

    Mr. AOW is improving dramatically now -- almost a year post-stroke. He's walking a bit now with his quad cane.

    School starts for me next week, on the 14th.

    I didn't get to write for your web site this summer. Sorry about that.

    I'll try to get something together, sooner or later.

    Life has thrown me so many curve balls, as you know.

  8. Hey pallie, no problemo Miss AOW....just glad to hear that Mr. AOW is doin' better...and I do wish you a good year of teachin'...and when and if the possiblity comes up, be sure to try and get a Dino-mention in here and there with your other teachin'...what today's youth needs, as do we all, is more of our Dino....
