Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Somewhere There's A Someone"

Hey pallies, wells dudes likes it's 'nother Sunday at ilovedinomartin and Sunday means 'nother Sunday Serenade with Dino. Today's Dino-tune is a stellar some of amore, "Somewhere There's A Someone."

This vid comes from the much loved DVD, "That's Amore" that is filled with great Dino-performances of great Dino-songs from the Dino-show. There is so much I loves 'bout this particular Dino-rendition. I loves at one point how our Dino looks upward as he sings with such conviction, and I so loves how he makes fun of the recorded back-up singers and likes he pretends that he is clueless 'bout when he is 'posed to come back in singin'.

For all us Dino-holics there true is a someone for us that the someone is only our Dino...'cause truly only Dino matters.... Today's Sunday Serenade is sent out to a new Dino-devotee from down under who has told his mate Levi that this is his fav Shaun, this one is for you....and for Levi too who is doin' his Dino-best to spread the Dino-message 'mong his mates at school. Dino-sharin', DMP


  1. Hi Dino Dude,
    my mate Shaun really digs this song, gonna click on the link at school during recess and show this clip to Shaun, not sposed to use the computers for personal stuff but i will sneak it :)
    Shaun likes some of Dinos songs, he aynt into Dean on videos yet and he dont know much about Dino.
    Ky is gonna copy the Matt Helm flicks for me to give him.
    He likes really digs this song over and over.
    Still got that hit sound after 40 years.

  2. Hey pallie, Levi dude....likes how cool of you to stop by and share your amazin' Dino-thoughts...will be cool to show your pallie Shaun this great Dino-clip..and indeed as you sez..."Still got that hit sound after 40 years." Now, likes don't be a stranger 'round these here Dino-parts...loves to always here from my Dino-bro...

  3. My dad told me Somewhere There`s a Someone was my grandfathers favourite Dean Martin song.
    My grandfather died in 1982, it`s so cool he was also a Dean Martin fan and for someone of his generation he loved this up tempo song :)
    Levi, be careful, I use to do the same thing at school, I was almost caught on one occasion, lol

  4. Hey pallie, thanks K R for sharin' your personel Dino-story..always loves to hear how Dino-love is shared by multi-generations in the same is your father also a lover of our Dino? Glad to hear from 'nother Dino-devotee..and hopes you will stop by again and leave some Dino-patter....
