Saturday, August 14, 2010

Music for the Writer's Soul: Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes our Dino is such a wonderful inspiration for so so many of the various artistic, poetry, drama, and prose among others. And, such is the case with today's Dino-report.

From the self-titled blogg "Shayla Kersten" comes this sharin' of how prose author Miss Kersten received Dino-inspirato from our Dino's swingin' song "Sway." Seems as Miss Shayla recently listened to our Dino croon this tune, Dino-inspiration hit for the plot for a new story that she plans to write...although it sounds that the tale will take some time to be told.

It is so cool to read this report of the amazin' impact that our Dino has on the artistic work of ' this case Miss Shayla Kersten. To read this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Thanks to Miss Kerstsen for sharin' her Dino-inspiration with the blogger world...helpin' others to likes come to know, love, and gets Dino-inspired 'emselves!!!! Dino-inspired, DMP

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Music for the Writer's Soul: Dean Martin

Yes, my musical taste are rather varied. *cackle* My momma loves Dean Martin. Always has. I remember his music streaming from the stereo from the time I was very young. And today, I have many of his songs in my collection.

Music can be such an inspiration for my stories. It doesn't have to be much. A mood, a phrase, a tempo...

A few weeks ago I was listening to one of my favorite songs by Dean Martin. Sway is the English version of the Spanish song ¿Quién será? written by Pablo Beltrán Ruiz. ¿Quién será? was originally written as a dance song and even if you can't dance--like me--it has you to swaying to the music. With Dino's melodious voice, he makes the lyrics about as sexy as airplay would allow in 1954.

And the rhythm sent a plot bunny running all over my brain. Gay dance club, hard bodies... You'll have to wait for more. The project is down the list of things to write but it's there.


  1. Our Dino's rendition of "Sway" is a classic. It always makes me want to get up and dance.

  2. Hey palie, indeed Miss AOW, our Dino owns sway on "Sway." Thanks for stoppin' by and droppin' some Dino-patter....

  3. When I had my 18th birthday party at a very nice place called The Mornington Tavern.
    3 course meal, dancing, everything :)
    The band played this song especially for my birthday so this song holds precious memories for me.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss Ky, thanks so very Dino-much for sharin' this wonderful memory of how our Dino was part of your birthday bash...
