Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-post is a reminder to goes on over to the "ibeatyou" pad to vote for your fav Dino-vid. The cool thin' 'bout this competition is that no matter which vid you cast your vote for, our Dino will be the winner 'cause likes all the vids in the contest are Dino-vids!

You will note that yours truly, Dino Martin Peters, has entered one of my most fav Dino-vids in the Dino-contest......our Dino's only MTV music vid, "Since I Met You, Baby." (actually I entered it twice likes by mistake) And, currently you will note that it is numero uno in the Dino-ratin's with a 4.7 outta a possible 5 score.

I woulda be likes so psyched if you saws you way to votin' for "Since I Met You, Baby," but likes whichever one you vote for, just be sure to do it soon. This Dino-competition will end in just a few....July 12 to be exact.

So, likes clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram to goes to the "ibeatyou" Dino-pad and VOTE DINO!!!!! Dino-scorin', DMP

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