Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Dino's boypallie Ricci at Festa Italiana in Milwaukee

Hey pallies, likes sorry dudes that I didn't get this heads up likes to y'all sooner pallies, but wanted 'specially all our midwestern USA pallies to know that our Dino's boypallie Ricci is performin' his Dino-trib at Festa Italiana in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this very Dino-weekend.

At 9 p.m. July 15-18 Ricci will share the magic of Dino on the Palermo's Pizza Stage on the Festival grounds. To get more information, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram to goes to the Festa Italiana homepage and from there you can get all the info that you will need. Does hope many of our pallies in the great midwest will get to see Ricci Martin gives his amore to his Dino daddy-o. Dino-reportin, DMP


  1. I wish I had the actual cd but I have a cdr copy of Ricci`s tribute show to his father and I love it so much.
    It`s a great concert

  2. Hey pallie, you are indeed one blessed Dino-lover to have a copy of Ricci's Dino-trib....all I have seen is the vid clip that Ricci has posted at him home you remember your kindness of first snaggin' that great pix of our Dino's boypallie to post at our little ilovedinomartin Dino-dialouge pad so so long 'go?

  3. Ricci does bear quite a physical resemblance to his dad. It is fitting that Ricci keeps his dad's memory alive.

    Of course, there's only one Dino -- and there will always be only one.

  4. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW, when yous sez,....."Of course, there's only one Dino -- and there will always be only one." have spoken the Dino-truth and only the Dino-truth....'cause truly only Dino matters.....

  5. Ricci is also working on another live cd that was recorded during the Festa Italiana that weekend. Should be a fantastic listen!

  6. Hey pallie, Miss Joanne, thanks for takin' the time to stop by and share 'bout Ricci's comin' CD...willa be so lookin' forward to gettin' it.....woulda you kindly let us know when it gets released....and btw, please greet Ricci from ilovedinomartin when you speak with him.....

  7. Hi there :)
    Recently I moved from Mornington, Australia to a suburb of Melbourne called Frankston.
    It was a rush move as property developers wanted the land we were renting on.
    Unfortunately I lost a few things, worst of all a few Dean Martin books and photos.
    Something I am devastated about losing is my copy of the Ricci Martin cdr I had of his tribute to Dean Martin.
    I`m leaving no stone unturned trying to get another copy.
    I wrote to Ricci but so far no response.
    I don`t like asking for things but I just wondered if anyone reading these posts has a copy of that particular cd or knows where I could possibly buy the original cd ?
    Thought I would just try asking around.
    I would apreciate any help in getting this cdr again.
    I can`t believe I was too dumb to think of making another copy :(
    Hugs and Kisses
    from Kylie xxxoooxxx

  8. Hey pallie, sorry to hear Miss Ky 'bout your Dino-losses....wishes I had a copy of that Dino-trib myself...if I can locate one for you, I will let you know...keeps lovin' our Dino!
