Friday, July 30, 2010

Christmas In July With Our Dino: "Marshmallow World"

Hey pallies, as the Dino-month of July likes windes down thoughts we oughta at least celebrates a little Dino-chillin' in the midst of the steamy conditions outside. Gotta 'fess up that I loves to listen to Dino-winter-tunes all year long...and my absolute fav of favs is our beloved Dino singin' 'bout a world filled with marshmallow....and this is my absolutely fav Dino-vid-version of our great man and the sticky stuff.....

So in celebratin' a bit of Christmas In July, here for your Dino-viewin' Dino-chillin' Dino-pleasure is our Dino singin' "Marshmallow World" in the hip, cool, and ever randy way that only our Dino can dos it! Dino-chillin', DMP


  1. This is my favourite Dean Martin Christmas song, this clip is from a Bob Hope special my dad had told me about while growing up and I always wanted to see this.
    Last year my wish came true :)
    The special also includes a great send up of Airport

  2. Hey pallie, well Ky, likes glad we are of one Dino-mind 'bout this just doesn't gets better then this...our Dino is just perfect in this version of "Marshmallow World".....

  3. I like the clip of Dino and Frank from Deans' variety show.Its on youtube.

  4. Hey pallie, welcome David...yup, I know that exact one that you mean....'nother great version of "Marshmallow World." I'm almost sure that I have posted that one here 'round the Dino-winter-season.....hopes to hear more from you soon...thanks for droppin' by and droppin' some Dino-patter.....
