Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Anniversary Trip To Steubenville (Part One)

Hey pallies, likes all you Dino-holics knows that Dino-fest 2010 will take place on June 18-19 in Dino-mecca, Stuebenville, Ohio. Thousands of Dino-devotees will make the pilgrimage to our Dino's pad of birth to celebrate the legacy of our King of Cool. Gotta 'fess up that likes I have never ever been able to visit Stu-ville or the Dino-celebration, but oh so yearns to one day trip to the land of Dino.

In preparation for honorin' our Dino this weekend, our wonderful pallie Miss AOW has invited ilovedinomartin to share some pixs and commentary from the pilgrimage that she and Mr. AOW made to Stu-ville for Dino-fest 2007. This is the first part of a two part Dino-post that Miss AOW shared at her AOW's Photos Blog (clicks on tagg of this Dino-gram to goes there).

When graciously sendin' me the info to get's this Dino-post created, Miss AOW made this request, " I'd appreciate a mention of the fact that I'm primarily a political blotter at , but take frequent breaks from politics to keep up with nostalgia about our Dino. Oh, for the good ol' days of Dino!"

We at ilovedinomartin are delighted to honor Miss AOW's request and invite all of you pallies to checks out her politico thoughts. Am hopin' that Miss AOW will be doin' some Dino-specials for ilovedinomartin this summer...'specially hopin' that she might shares with us her take on our Dino's politico leanin's.

Thanks to Miss AOW for sharin' her pixs from Dino-mecca and looks for part two of her Dino-adventure very soon here at ilovedinomartin. Dino-delightedly, DMP

Our Anniversary Trip To Steubenville (Part One)

The following are two of the sights on Dean Martin Boulevard (Route 7), as one first approaches Steubenville:

The house where Dean Martin was born is no longer standing, but the lot is marked:

Dean Martin's home church, the church at which he was christined, was St. Anthony's of Padua. In the left foreground of the second picture below, you can see just a portion of our Mustang GT convertible. The weather was perfect, and we had the top down the entire time we were in Steubenville.

Dean's home church today looks as it did when Dean was baptized:

One of the reasons that we went to Steubenville this year is that we knew that Tom Stevens would be appearing. Of course, there will never be another Dean Martin, but, in my opionion, Tom is the best of the Dean impersonators. Deana Martin herself says that her seeing Tom makes her do a doubletake:

You can learn more about Tom Stevens HERE.


  1. DMP,
    Thanks for posting my photo essay!

    All the photos are unedited, BTW.

    Am hopin' that Miss AOW will be doin' some Dino-specials for ilovedinomartin this summer...'specially hopin' that she might shares with us her take on our Dino's politico leanin's.

    I hope to do some writing for your web site this summer -- as soon as I can get my schedule straightened out.

    BTW, I found this interesting link about our Dino today. It's an excellent timeline for reference about Dino and his family.

    In my photo essay, I have pics of St. Anthony's of Padua. According to the timeline link:

    September 16, 1917 Dino Crocetti is baptized at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church and is given "Paul" as his middle name

    Dino's parents were also married in that little church. The church was founded in 1906 and, according to this link, apparently closed in 2008. I think that the recession hit Steubenville quite hard.

    BTW, over at YouTube, I found this index of videos of Steubenville. Perhaps the list will be of use for your web site! Anyway, take a look.

  2. Sadly, Mr. AOW and I will not be making any more trips to Steubenville for the foreseeable future. My husband is unable to travel right now, due to the stroke he had last September. We had originally planned to go to Steubenville again this year as Dino's hometown is one of our favorite places. But we'll be there in spirit!

    Both Mr. AOW and I are devoted Dino fans.

    FYI, I'll be posting an update on my husband's condition tomorrow, June 17, our 38th wedding anniversary.

  3. Hey pallie, Miss AOW, the pleasure is all ours at ilovedinomartin for sharin' the true Dino-devotion of a real Dino-holic likes you. Will be lookin' forward to some Dino-prosin' from you as your schedule permits. Thanks for the links....I often refer to that Dino-timeline as I anticipate sharin' dates of Dino-historical significance. Never saw the Stu-ville youtube list....thanks so much for that. So sorry that you and Mr. AOW will not be able to gather in Dino-mecca....will try to check out your post tomorrow and congratulations on 38 years of amore together!
