Wednesday, June 02, 2010

ilovedinomartin celebrate Dino-post #1001

Hey pallies, likes I knews that we were gettin very very close to the Dino-milestone of 1000 posts here at ilovedinomartin. Likes when I dids the ol' math yester-Dino-day, I discovered that indeed the June 1, 2010 Dino-gram celebratin' the June 1, 2004release of the Dino-al-b-um "DINO:The Essential Dean Martin" marks the 1000th Dino-post here at ilovedinomartin. Very cool to have this Dino-event occurs so close to ilovedinomartin's celebration of our beloved Dino's 93rd birthday in just a few!!!!

ilovedinomartin, the first and still the only truly DINO-ONLY focused blog on the web (at least that I knows of) was started in January of 2007 with the followin' humble Dino-vid of our Dino's only MTV music vid, "Since I Met You, Baby."

ilovedinomartin was begun with the simple Dino-purpose of helpin' more and more pallies comes to know, love, and honor our Dino.

That is still our guidin' lift up the name of our Dino and spread the Dino-message as Dino-far and Dino-wide as Dino-possible.

My love for our Dino continues to grows daily and ilovedinomartin thanks all the pallies who have hung their Dino-hats here enjoy the Dino-magic together. Indeed, as I said in that very first Dino-post....

"Since I met Dino, I am like totally a different a total Dinoholic. Long live our Master of Hip, our King of Cool, the one, the only DINO!!!!!!

ilovedinomartin will continue to puts the accent only on our Dino and keeps helpin' to draw others to pure Dino-devotion.

Keepin' the Dinogrove with you pallies, Dino Martin Peters

Hey pallies, this is like my fav of fav Dinoclips. This is the only Dinovid that Dean Martin ever made. Filmed in 1982 and directed by Dino's boypallie, Ricci, this is like pure Dinomagic. Since I met Dino, I am like totally a different a total Dinoholic. Long live our Master of Hip, our King of Cool, the one, the only DINO!!!!!! Keepin' the Dinogrove with you pallies, Dino Martin Peters


  1. Congrats on your 1000th post! Keep em coming.

    This video is the best of Dean as he got older. In other things I have seen from around the same time he doesn't look as good. (In fact, he looks downright awful.)

    I think "Since I Left You Baby" was totally ahead of its time as far as look, sound and editing. I wonder why Ricci didn't do any others beyond this. With his dad or other artists.

    PS: I think this was Jeannie's house and pool.

  2. Hey pallie, first of all Miss Sannie...thanks for the congrats...buts likes all the honor and praise goes to our Dino...the only reason for ilovedinomartin bein'! I agrees with ya 'bout how cool our Dino is in this stellar vid....remember Ricci sayin' in his Dino-bio how pleased his amazin' daddy-o was by how he looked in the very very youthful....and I agrees with ya that the vid is so ahead of it's time in all those ways...much likes "Kiss Me Stupid" was so ahead of it's day in 1964...our Dino is always ahead of his times it seems...and likes that's why I thinks that neuveau hipsters of today are diggin' our Dino to the max...thanks for sharin' some Dino-patter......and yes, the house and pool belonged to the jeanne....

  3. i have been followin your blog for while..when i used to find Dino pics most of them led me to ilovedinomartin & coolness is timeless and i finally made my blog and yours was one of the first i susbscribed to..Keep up the awesome work! :)

  4. Hey pallie, well thank you very much Dino-girl Catie...but as I sez...all the praise and the honor goes to our Dino....and keeps spreadin' the Dino-message at your pad as Dino-well...likes there can never ever be likes too many places liftin' up the name of our Dino....

  5. Another great Dino clip! Congrats on reaching over 1000 posts!

  6. Hey pallie, glads you loves this coolest of the cool Dino-vids...and thanks for the kind words...but likes I sez..all the honor and glory goes to our Dino....

  7. Oh, I love this video!

    Wish that our Dino had made more such vids.

  8. Hey pallie, of Dino-course Miss AOW I am likes in total total Dino-agreement with you on the vid....woulda been so cool to have our Dino's boypallie Ricci does some more cool vids with his daddy-o.....but likes it woulda be likes so so hard to top the Dino-magic of "Since I Met You, Baby"....
