Monday, June 07, 2010

Honorin' Our Dino On The 93rd Anniversary Of His Birth

The world as we knew it changed on June 7, 1917 at 11:55 p.m. when Dino Paul Crocetti entered our planet at 319 South Sixth Street, Stubenville, Ohio. Born of immigrant father, Gaetano "Guy" Crocetti, a barber, and Angela Barra, this man who woulda come to be known as Dean Martin was destined from his humble beginnin's to change the world and make it a far better place just by walkin' the earth and sharin' his amazin' gifts to lays some happiness on each and every one of his pallies.

Lay some happiness on me
So the brighter side you'll see
No more lonliness to me
Lay some happiness on me

Tell me I'm great and I'll be greater
Build me up and I'll fly
Love me now and I'll be glad later
And tell your trouble goodbye

Lay some happiness on me
So the brighter side you'll see
No more lonliness to me
Lay some happiness on me

Spill that cup of trouble and sorrow
Sooner better for you
Fill it up with a happy tomorrow
We got some living to do
Lay some happiness on me
So the brighter side you'll see
No more lonliness to me
Lay some happiness on me

Cover me up and I'll squeeze tighter
Honey let's kiss me do
That good good loving makes a bad bad fighter
And I'm not picking on you
Lay some happiness on me
So the brighter side you'll see
No more lonliness to me
Lay some happiness on me
Lay some happiness on me
So the brighter side you'll see
No more lonliness to me
Lay some happiness on me

The world simply became our Dino's world, and he welcomed all who so desired to be in it with him.

Welcome to my world
won't you come on in
miracles i guess
still happen now and then

Step into my heart
leave your cares behind
welcome to my world
build with you and mine

knock and the door will open
seek and you will find
ask and you'll be given
the key to this world of mine

I will be waiting here
with my arms unfurled
waiting just for you
welcome to my world

waiting just for you
welcome to my world

On this 93rd anniverary of your entry into the world, we say our thanks to our beloved Dino for layin' so so much happiness on all us Dino-holics and for welcomin' each and every ones of us into your world.....a world where you always shows us the brighter side....a world where there is no lonliness 'cause it is so full of Dino-true and Dino-pure happiness.

Thanks so much Dino for beckonin' each and every one of your true pallies to join you in your world....truly as we step into your heart, we can leave all our cares behind....truly as we ask, seek, and knock we will experience you arms unfurled, waitin' just for us to accept your invitation to your world of Dino-pure and Dino-true amore. Dino-devotedly, DMP


  1. Thanks for the 93 years of joy youve given the world Dean! :)..2 of my fav Dino songs..hope you got to watch the DM on TCM today i had a science project today so im gonna have my Dino marathon tomorrow.. have a wonderful week -Catie

  2. A Happy Birthday to Dino, indeed! I, too, honored him today, both on my blog and by eating Italian for dinner. Yum!

  3. Wouldn't you know it? My Internet connection was down almost all day yesterday, so I couldn't visit here on "the day."

    Anyway, Happy Dino Birthday to all his fans!

  4. Hey pallie, thanks for all your Dino-devotion Miss I have said several unusual to find such Dino-passion for one so young in Dino....didn't know 'bout the cool is that!

  5. Hey pallie, thanks Miss Amanda for stoppin' by to share your Dino-wishes to our beloved Dino....

  6. Hey pallie, well Miss Gayle Carline...certainly gonna have to checks out that Dino-post at your amazin' blog...and glads you gots to enjoy some Dino-food as well...keeps lovin' our Dino....

  7. Hey pallie, well Miss AOW I knows of what you speaketh....blogger was not workin' yesterDinomornin' so I couldn't likes gets this posted to much of the Dino-day had elapsed and had likes planned to do more then our Dino-post in honor of our great the Dino-celebratin' will just have to continue here into the next few Dino-days...thanks for sharin' your Dino-wishes here at ilovedinomartin....
