Sunday, May 16, 2010

To me, he was a rarity -- a true "triple threat."

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-devotion comes from a lady named Gilby and her blog "What We're Watching On Televison" (clicks on tagg of this Dino-post to goes there). Miss Gilby has been runnin' a series of posts on her 25 fav TV Actors with the contents of this Dino-gram comin' from the end of her series "GILBY'S TOP FIVE FAVORITE TV ACTORS."

I'm like so so delighted to report that our Dino made the cut in her top 5, in fact rankin' at numero duo on her list. Nows, while I can always and ever only think of our Dino as numero uno in anybody's list, anywhere, anytime, I am pumped to see this 43 year old high school mathematics instructor rate our great man very high on the list.

Below are the stellar words of Dino-praise that Miss Gilby writes in support of her Dino-passion. Loves to read that this lady's gran musta helped her grandgirlpallie to comes to know, love, and "marvel" at our beloved Dino.

ilovedinomartin wants to thanks Miss Gilby for openly and passionately sharin' her oh so deep Dino-devotion with her blog readers, in turn helpin' 'em to grow in their Dino-love as well. Gotta say pallies, does this Dino-heart Dino-good to keeps readin' more and more Dino-testimonies from pallies of all ages, all stages proclaimin' how much theys love our King of Cool!!!! Dino-passionately, DMP

Dean Martin -- Yes, it's a stretch. However, I have such fond and happy memories of The Dean Martin Show as well as his celebrity roasts. My grandmother was a big fan of Dino so she and I watched his show and his roasts together. I marveled at how he could just own the stage everytime he walked onto it. Whether he was singing, doing a comedy skit, or dancing with the "Golddiggers," Martin had panache. Despite being a Jersey girl, I still pick Dean over Frank Sinatra as my favorite male vocalist. I've always been drawn to the way Martin could work with anyone, he seemed to be genuinely liked by whomever he was doing a scene or duet with. He was spontaneous and loved live audiences. In fact, I think he fed off their energy and that's why he was always in top form. I think what I loved most about Dean Martin was the fact that he didn't take himself too seriously. He could laugh at himself and graciously accept his guests poking fun at him. To me, he was a rarity -- a true "triple threat." He could do dramas, comedies, and musicals. When Dean Martin died in 1995, it truly marked the end of an era.


  1. i think she nailed it on the head - describing dino's talent to a "T". he was an all around performer whom everyone liked - those watching him and those performing with him and the more he was able to interact with the audience - the better his performance was . he was definately one of a kind - i agree 100%

  2. Hey pallie, Miss Lisa I think so too...there never was, never will be anyone likes our King of Cool...and oh what I woulda gives to return to the days when Dino walked the earth...buts we needs to move Dino-forward helpin' other pallies to get to know, love, and marvel at our Dino...thanks for stoppin' and sharin' your Dino-thoughts...
