Friday, April 02, 2010

On This Day In Dino-history: April 2, 1958

Hey pallies, likes today is 'nother great day in Dino-history, for on the 2nd of April in the year of our Dino 1958, the classic flick, "The Young Lions" hit the big screen and over night the world discovered what a stellar dramatic actor our Dino truly is! Thanks to our pallie Mark who shared this important Dino-detail over at his extemely informative blogg "Pop Culture Fan Boy." To view this in it's original format, just click on the title of this Dino-post.

For your viewin' Dino-pleasure, here is a original trailer from "The Young Lions." Dino-learnin', DMP btw, if you wanna view the whole flick, did notice that currently if is available on youtube.

1958 - The motion picture "Young Lions", starring Capitol Records artist Dean Martin, as well as Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift, opens and makes Martin a dramatic movie star on his own right without Jerry Lewis.

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