Friday, April 30, 2010

'Nother Piece of Dino-art by artist Benjamin James Burgraff

Hey pallies, likes here is 'nother cool Dino-'pression by our new pallie Benjamin James Burgraff. After postin' his first Dino-creation on Wednesday, I was in conversatio with Benjamin 'bout the possiblity to post more of his amazin' Dino-devotive-art here at ilovedinomartin. Burgraff graciously complied with my request and posted this delightful Dino-portrait yester-Dino-day on my facebook page. Always loves seein' likes such deep deep Dino-devotion through the artistco medium...'specially diggs this Dino-image of our beloved Dino with his ever present cigarette.....

Thanks Benjamin James Burgraff for showin' such Dino-creativity and allowin' it to be shared with all the Dino-philes here at ilovedinomartin. To visit Mr. Burgraff's facebook pad, likes just click on the tagg of this here Dino-gram. Dino-groovin', DMP

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