Friday, April 09, 2010

Dean Martin Hollywood A-Stars Baseball Hollywood Backstage

Hey pallies, well 'nother season of takes me out to the ballgame has just gotten underway,......and we all likes knows how much our Dino loves the game of ball and stick.

Today's Dino-post is a very cool Dino-historical BB clip that has been posted on youtube of our Dino headin' up the Hollywood All Stars team 'gainst the Los Angeles sports writers. Dino and his pallies played this game as a celebrity charity event at Dodger Stadium.

Watch for our Dino cuttin' up as he falls backward after sippin' on a drink...probably water. Watch our Dino hits the b-ball and runs like crazy. In spite of his best Dino-efforts, seems the sports writers won this one.

Any of you pallies have a Dino-clue as to the vintage of this here Dino-clip? Anyways, pallies enjoys sharin' in this very Dino-historical moment. Dino-devotedly, DMP

Hollywood All Stars baseball celebrity charity event at Dodger Stadium. Hollywood Backstage

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