Saturday, March 20, 2010

Jerry + Dino – How My Heart Behaves

Hey pallies, today's Dino-effort comes from a pad tagged "The Best Memories Of Jerry Lewis" (clicks on tagg of this Dino-gram to goes there) and features a vid trib to our beloved Dino and the Jer. This is quite the amore to Martin and Lewis and features a huge number of pixs of the team showin' their devotion to each other.

Mr. Lewis has claimed that no one got closer to our Dino then he did...and I can believe it 'cause they lived and breathed together for a decade. As far as this Dino-holic is concerned there is no one more blessed then Jerry Lewis who got to spend so much time with our great man. Enjoys the vid pallies! Dino-devotedly, DMP

Jerry + Dino – How My Heart Behaves

March 10th, 2010 | Author: Jerry

A tribute to two brilliant men who make me laugh, and who mean a lot. “What grew? What grew? What grew? And inside who?”

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