Friday, February 05, 2010

OK Helm fans today we jump into the Ambushers or do they jump out at us?

Hey pallies, our pallie Mr. George Solana has kept his Dino-promise and below is more of the fruits of his Dino-labor of helpin' spread some Dino-love 'round his pad, "Cinema Vortex" (clicks on tagg of this Dino-post to view there). Loves like the so so Dino-evocative quire, "OK Helm fans today we jump into the Ambushers or do they jump out at us?" So, likes how would you answer this Dino-question?

Solana has moved on to the third flick in the Matt Helm quartet, "The Ambushers," my least fav of these Dino-capers. Does wonder if there is any particular Dino-reason that our pallie so far has left out numero duo, as all you dudes know, my personal fav, "Murders' Row."

Durin' our Dino-amore-month tribute to our most lovin' Dino, so glad to see Mr. Solana showin' so much Dino-devotion and Dino-amore to share more and more Dino-caps from spy adventures....and "The Ambushers" certainly have a bevy of lovlies to capture our Dino'a attentiado...

Thanks to true Helmer Solana for givin' us more Dino-pleasure through his Dino-efforts... Dino-sharin', DMP

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Matt Helm

OK Helm fans today we jump into the Ambushers or do they jump out at us?
Posted by Drake at 8:25 AM
Labels: Dean Martin, Matt Helm, Spy movies


  1. Hey pallie, likes thanks so much, only wishes i knew what your Dino-thoughts are....

  2. DMP, 抽菸 wrought: Our generation's greatest discovery is that by changing the hearts of human beings can change the attitude of life.

    Great post by the way :)

  3. Hey pallie, wow, thanks for that translation...and knows that many hearts have undergone Dino-transformation!

  4. You are welcome DMP :)

    By the way, take a look at my blog in a couple of days! I will make a new Dinos tribute video and to one of my favorite songs he has sang! "I'm so lonesome i could cry", have you heard that one before?

  5. Hey pallie, likes how cool is that...loves the way you show such true Dino-devotion and Dino-creativity by sharin' some your Dinotribs....will certainly have to spend some Dinotime at your Dino-site....
