Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I'll do my part to keep Dino alive with his films and more Helm caps coming soon!

Hey pallies, Dino-amore-month continues with more Dino-amore Matt Helm style! After yester-Dino-day's post of Helm caps from that cool blogg "Cinema Vortex" by Mr. George Solana, Solona wrote these encouragin' Dino-words as a comment..."Thanks for the mention! I'll do my part to keep Dino alive with his films and more Helm caps coming soon!"

Well, I thought I woulda mosey on over to Mr. Solana's pad and checks out for more Dino-action and likes found the followin' Dino-caps from "The Silencers." Wanna say my Dino-appreciato to George for continuin' to do his part to keep Dino-devotion glowin' and glowin' by liftin' up the name of our great man at "Cinema Vortex."

Can hardly wait to see more Dino-caps from this Helmer! With pallies like George Solana 'round to share their Dino-devotion, indeed the Dino-legacy will just continue to get cooler and cooler! Enjoys some Dino-lovin' this third day of Dino-amore-month! Dino-proclaimin', DMP

Matt Helm

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