Friday, February 26, 2010

02/24/10 - Deana Martin - THE BONNIE HUNT SHOW

Hey pallies, in my Dino-diligent search to brings all you Dino-philes more information on the beloved Dino-event of our great man gettin' his star on the 'Vegas Walk Of Fame, I was delighted to discover that today on the Bonnie Hunt Show our Dino's girlpallie Deana is goin' to share 'bout that Dino-experience.

So I wents to youtube and Dino-lo and Dino-behold I found the clip already posted for our Dino-edification. Gotta 'fess up that I am pretty disappointed in that as seems usual, this clip is more 'bout Miss Martin then our beloved Dino. But, there are a couple of Dino-tales that Deana shares with Miss Bonnie, and some stellar pixs of our Dino that are shared with the audience.

I will continue to search for better coverage of our Dino's honorin' by 'Vegas and shares more as soon as I can. If you click on the tag of this Dino-post you will go directly to the clip at youtube. Dino-only, DMP


  1. Personally I don't think she eats. But I have to say it was a nice interview.

  2. Hey pallie, thoughts you might Dino-patter on this one....really, I thought that Deana and Bonnie were too nicey nicey with each other....didn't seem real to me....never find our Dino bein' like this....gentle, respectful...yes, syrupy sweet....never....the two of them get on my nerves....

  3. I totally agree with both of you! I always liked Gail so much better then Deana.. it seems like she is taking to much credit on things her dad made! Thats just not right!

  4. Hey pallie, cool to hear from our Dino-girl....and glads to know that we are all on the same Dino-page....besides was deeply disturbed by the way that Deana dissed her daddy-o in her bio of our great man...

  5. Well when it comes to her book... i agree and disagree with you.. It was nice and was bad at the same time.. i'm sure that she loves her father very much, but it must be tough being daughter of a great man.. so i guess that book was her way of ecspresing her self in a way.. i might be wrong, but i am not defending her in a any way!

  6. Hey pallie, well early on she sez that our beloved Dino is a great man, but not a great father....seems likes she has changed her tune on this as she tries to use our Dino for her own personal gain....

  7. True!
    By the way DMP, i will be posting DM Hollywood Palace show on my blog in a couple of minutes and i have already posted DM winter show that you wanted to see :) Hope you'll like them both!

  8. Hey pallie, woo-hoo...thanks for sharin' some of your very special of the special Dino-treasure with all your Dino-holic pallies....that's what I call true Dino-palliedom....
