Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Releasin' This Dino-day, January 26, 2010

Hey pallies, just a little Dino-reminder that today is the release date for the "new" Dino-al-b-um, "Dean Martin: Essential Love Songs." The reason that I puts the new in quotation marks is 'cause as I have reported earlier this month these are exactly the SAME DINO-TUNES as in the Dinodisc, "Dean Martin: AMORE." that released this same time last year. As far as I can tell the al-b-ums are identical 'cept for their covers and release dates.

If you don't have the "AMORE" set, you may just wanna add this volume to your Dino-collection. If you already have the "AMORE" recordin', really not much reason to shell out your hard earned bread for this one. Dino-reportin', DMP

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