Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Paper Pack: Dean is already here

Hey pallies, likes it seems that the unfoldin' theme of this new Dino-year may justa be....where will our Dino turn of next. Gotta 'fess up that I was really dry for a Dino-post to share this day, when I gots on the computer a few ago and was 'lerted by the google pallies of this cool Dino-find at a site tagged "The Paper Pack." To goes there, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram.

Here is the styliest (is there as such word pallies?) of hip Dino-toys created by a cat named Luis Renato Kriegel....and likes made outta paper. Just wonderin' if he plans to sell these on the free market. No really interested in gettin' the frankie or even the Sam, but woulda likes totally groove on gettin' my hands on this Dino-paper-creation!

So, likes where did our Dino turn up a Dino-creation of a hip paper toy creator. Thanks Mr. Kreigel for usin' your talents to gives us such a hip Dino-toy! Dino-amazed, DMP

The Paper Pack Posted by Luis Renato Kriegel on January 6, 2010 at 8:34am

This is a new toy series I'm working on inspired by the 3 great swingers from the Rat Pack: Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. Dean is already here, the other two will arrive soon.

Hope you cats like it.


  1. That is the Dino-est find of the year yet Mr. DMP!


  2. Hey pallie, man glads you likes came truly as a gift from our I say, I had absolutely nothin' special for today's post...and then ups comes this google 'lert of this coolest of the cool Dino-doll of paper....ain't our Dino the best to his pallies?
