Monday, January 25, 2010


Hey pallies, this latest Dino-news has this pallie flyin' as Dino-high as I can get...from a great spy blogg tagged "Spy Vibe" and it's creator Jason Whitson comes the huge news that the current issue of the "Video Watchdog" mag (#154) contains a color spread reviwin' our Dino's classic performances in the Matt Helm quartet of flicks.

Think what this will mean for the spreadin' of the Dino-way to movie lovers of all ages and stages. To have a fine movie review mag like "Video Watchdog" sharin' the pleasures of our Dino in a featured full color layout means so so many more will be drawn to know, love, and honor our Dino. Can't wait to gets my copy pallies!

We thank Mr. Whitson for drawin' this news to our attention (and as usual, if you want to read this whole post in it's original format, just click on the title of this post). If you clicks on the link provided by Whitson, you will be transported to the Video Watchdog Mag site and you will be able to see and read more 'bout this....includin' the Dino-preview shown below. Dino-thrilled, DMP

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Spy Vibers will want to stop by Barnes and Noble this weekend and pick up a copy of issue #154 of Video Watchdog. The front and back cover not only feature beautiful photos of John Steed and Cathy Gale from The Avengers, but also cinema's original international man of mystery, Matt Helm. Much of the issue is devoted to writer Kim Newman's excellent (and thorough!) coverage of surviving episodes of the first season of The Avengers as well as complete coverage of season two episodes in the order they were originally taped. In addition to the meaty, Spy Vibe tasty text, Newman provides a number of fantastic photographs. If that wasn't enough to whet your secret agent appetites, Newman also reviews the Matt Helm Lounge box set of the four Dean Martin classics, The Silencers, Murderers' Row, The Ambushers, and The Wrecking Crew. If you can't find Video Watchdog at your local retailer, you can also order issues directly from them here.

Posted by Jason Whiton at 8:10 AM
Labels: dean martin, matt helm, the avengers, video watchdog


  1. Can't wait to get my hands on this one. Anything I can read or see about Matt Helm, I want. Also, I just did a post on The Avengers a few weeks ago because Hulu.Com has season six (if I remember correctly) posted at their web site. This was the first season of Diana Rigg (Emma Peel). Good TV show, but Matt Helm is the best

  2. Hey pallie, couldn't agree with you more...our Dino as Matt is simply the BEST! Likes if you gets the mag before me, please let's me know what it is like....and if you plug Matt Helm in to the search engine of this here ilovedinomartin blog you will find tons of Dino-prose on this Dino-topic....
