Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ed's Epistle....The Summit At The Sands

The Big Bang? Please. Atomic blast? Insult! Incomparable the event that occurred Jan 20 1960. Three men, one stage, a martini elixir for all your ills. This cocktail too potent to be served in large doses, instead shot glass amounts in the small Copa Room in the Sands. The Sands Hotel, erected Dec 15th 1952, born Jan 20 1960, for all intents and purposes, the birth of Vegas. The 60's rung in by the boys who would own them. Dino, Frank, and Sam.

The entertainment gods sent forth this day the coup de grace, the grand finale. Tis written in scripture, three great men will appear in the desert, one wielding voice, one possessing cool, and one the dance. Entertainment apocalypse is set into motion when three men simultaneously address the people of the Sands, in the Sands. They shall drink the firewater from crystal cups. They shall create a Reprise of song, and bring forth a new Camelot. For these three men will be forever remembered as the best of times. Their moment to be forever compared to. They shall be named "The Rat Pack". Tis this 'Pack" that will bring down the final curtain. There will be no others after this. The best was saved for last. It shall be called, "The Summit At The Sands".

"Dag", Dino the Genesis of Cool. The evolution marriage of voice and suave to perfection.

Frank the exhibitor of voice. Chairman of the Board, leader.
"Las Vegas Nev, where the elite meet to greet" Frank Sinatra

"Smokey", Sam the Entertainer. Pound for pound the most talented of the pack. Sing, dance, Sam was blessed.

Vegas became the destination where the entertainer came to be entertained. Where the beautiful came to see the beautiful. Birds of a feather, they all flocked pallie. Just a hop-skip-jump from Hollywood, Vegas was the playground for the rich and famous. Only in Vegas where there more celebrity in the audience than on stage. Everyone wanted to experience the Rat Pack, the scene. Disneyland for adults. Catch a show, then play some Dino-rules blackjack. Only in Vegas where talent deals the hands. Best of times.

Benchmark of cool. The center of the universe where they stood. Movies, song, shows. Vegas the base station. Frank sung bout flyin to the moon, Dino sang bout the moon hittn your eye. NASA took note. Not a coincidence. The boys transformed Las Vegas into Vegas. A place in the desert into a destination. The Pack made Vegas hip, the cornerstone for all future generations to build upon. Vegas Baby! Vegas! They gave Vegas an edge. Vegas' persona was born the day the Rat Pack called The Sands home. Vegas sans Rat Pack is Branson Missouri.

The Sands Hotel. Forever immortalized in the Rat Pack movie "Oceans Eleven" and numerous live performance recordings. "A Place In The Sun", now just a memory. The Sands imploded June 30 1996. With Dino and Sammy gone, and Sinatra retired, she was no longer needed. She fulfilled her role in history, in the writings. The old lady was razed only when the prophecies were satisfied. The three men have cometh. They served the in song, comedy, and dance. They drank the liquids of fire, entertained the entertainers, sung to the singers, and acted for the actors.

No others prior or since have captured the land as the Pack did. There's were the reasons turntables turned, and spirits drank. Apart they were entertainers, together they were THE entertainment.


  1. Hey pallie, man, what a great post on one of the most important days in our Dino's history....just was thinkin' durin' the night as I was anticipatin' your Dino-magical touch to bring much Dino-light to our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-pad....that today is the GOLDEN JUBILEE of the Rat Pack layin' their claim to 'Vegas...certainly the Pack is golden and this is their Golden 'Versary of takin' their 'Vegas Stand...thanks for honorin' our Dino, the Sam, and frankie is such a Dino-riffic way...

  2. The Pack would be trilled to read your words! I can´t even begin to describe how magnificent your writhing is! This is truly the one and only way to describe the three giants. I think with people like you Ed, world will never forget Dean, Frank and Sinatra and the younger population like my self will find than the Rat Pack way or Dino way is the right way!

    By the way, i have that hole video from Vegas that you posted at the end. I will try to upload it later today : )


  3. A great Pack... the best I've ever seen and heard. They were very cool
