Friday, January 08, 2010

Ed's Epistle......Idol of Dino, Elvis Born Today

Sinatra initially loathed Presley. New kid, crazy hips. This rock 'n roll was creeping in on his territory. Sinatra, never known to embrace the new loud sound.

Little did Sinatra know it was his buddy Dino was to largely blame. Crosby was an old man, Sinatra too tight. Elvis needed a cue, a role model even. Dino as the King of Cool. Not only cool, but a cat that got it. It was Dino that was planning on building a country club with the emphasis for the younger crowd. Dino may have been in his 40's, but his image and appeal crossed all generations. That was the beauty of Dino. All people of all ages got sucked into Dinos world.

Elvis and the Dino-familiar Hal Wallis.

Like an old oak tree, the tree of music is well branched. Thickly trunked and growing exponentially, the tree has notable benchmarks. Jolson, Crosby, Martin, Presley, Beatles, Stones, etc. etc..

The modern day Rock 'n Roll branch started with Presley. What influenced the Rock 'n Roll branch was the crooning branch. Ironic only in print. In reality, it was crooning that Rock 'n Roll replaced. The man of the time was Dino. Elvis took note. The evolution from crooning to Rock 'n Roll occurred between two men. Martin, and Presley. Elvis emulated the voice, threw in a hip thrust, a lip curl, some black leather, and the world was instantly changed.

Few major benchmarks occurred between Jolson and today. Jolson sang aloud. Microphone and recording technology allowed Crosby to converted the Jolson type delivery to the singing style we know today as crooning. Dino added cool and suave to crooning. Elvis took the cool and suave to the new rock sound. Now you know the rest of the story.

It's been suggested by people more knowledgeable than I, that our Dino should be inducted into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame just on account of his influence on Elvis Presley. Perhaps one day soon the blog can start a movement for this to become a reality.

Today is Elvis's Birthday. We celebrate his voice and talent. We also celebrate his never ending energy and enthusiasm to perform and make music. We respect his talent and drive. Unfortunately, that drive that eventually lead to his demise.

We all share one thing with Elvis. His appreciation and respect for Dean Martin. He's amongst us as a fan, and someone who was in awe of his talents.

Dino, "Write To Me From Naples"

Elvis, "Write To Me From Naples"

A crazy Dino-sweet fan made movie! "The Chase", "starring" Dino 'n Elvis...Enjoy!!
Love the random Dino film scenes.

Part I..

"The Chase"...Part II..

"The Chase"..Part III..

Part IV.......

Part V....

Part VI...

1 comment:

  1. Hey pallie, what a great trib to one of our Dino's greatest pals on this the Elvis' 75 anniversary of his DOB. Gotta tries and set 'side a Dino-hour this weekend to watch the Dino and Elvis some Dino-holic invested tons of time in doin' such Dino-fun....such is the true Dino-devotion that our Dino so richly deserves....thanks for usin' your talents to honor our Dino and remember the Elvis with today's Dino-gram here at ilovedinomartin....
