Monday, January 04, 2010

Ed's Epistle....Dino, Bing...

Dino, Bing………

Art, Science. Speculate, calculate. Dino, Bing.
Dino and Bing, connoisseurs of manipulating microphone diaphragms. Benders of vowels that make record needles dizzy. Ironically, the cruxes of Dino and Bing are as distinct as megaphones and microphones.
Its second nature to the Dino fan that der Bingle was a huge influence on the man. Most documents state just that. No elaborating, no comparing or contrasting, just a fact. Crosby influenced Martin. Done.
Bing influenced Dean like paint influenced Picasso. Allow me to paint a broad stroke.
Crosby, much like Sinatra after him, was extremely involved in the productions of his recording sessions. Whether it is equipment specifications, microphone placing, or song lists, Crosby was in charge. Crosby owned, controlled, and produced Crosby Enterprises.
Conversely, Dino trusted the producers, never questioned production techniques, he cracked jokes, made visitors laugh, spun his crooner magic and went on his way. Probably to golf. Maybe to Vegas.
The Crosby that inspired Dino was the Crosby who’s style evoked success, and voice induced arousal. Dino got that. He saw, heard, made a note. Chick’s dig the voice. Chick’s dig the style. Chick’s dig the confidence. Check, check, and check.

What Dino had that Crosby didn’t is what separated Martin from all the rest. It was the inherent cool, unruffled, relaxed aura that Dino radiated. Proper, but relaxed. Cool, but warm. Dino took Crosby and made him personable in a way Crosby couldn’t. Dino had fun. He smiled, he laughed. His humor spot on! The man could add-lib like Hope, had timing like Abbot, and can sing like Crosby. He was a man the common folk had never before experienced. Movies, live stage, recordings, TV, all while handsome and genuine! People liked Dino because he was real. He made you feel comfortable. There was no fake in Dino.

Bing had his influence, but it began and ended at the microphone. Dino had his own plans. Dino forged ahead a new trail. A trail that put him on the map, yet to be treaded by anyone since.


  1. Wow!!!!!...what a great duet, that's class boy!. Bing Crosby was eternal and here with another eternal voice: Dean Martin. Is very easy learn to croon with that example.

  2. I think, like Amaya said, is a great duet full of class and two eternal voices. "True love" is wonderful hearing Bing and Dean together. Really spectacular.
