Sunday, December 13, 2009

'Tis The Season For Dino-giftin':15 Dean Martin Original Jukebox Title Strips LOOK !

Hey pallies, here's 'nother installment of Dino-giftin' suggestions for every Dinoholic on your Dino-list. Today's entry is for the very budget savvy Dino-shopper. These 15 original Dino-strips that once graced a Jukebox are a real Dino-bargain at only $2.49 plus $1.75 shippin' charges.

This is a great little Dino-present to put in any Dino-lover's stockin'. But, likes hurry pallies, this little Dino-treasure is up for biddin' for only a few more Dino-days....don't wait to long to grab up these pieces of Dino-history. To checks this out at ebay, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post. Dino-shoppin', DMP

15 Dean Martin Original Jukebox Title Strips LOOK !


  1. Dino-art for sure. I sees lots of possibilities.

    Great find!


  2. Hey pallie, yeah, and at such a low low price, makes it so affordable for even the most humble of the humblest Dino-phile to shares their Dino-passion with 'nother....thinkin' you just might share some Dino-commentary at Ed's Epistle of the Dino-possibilities you sees with these simple Dino-treasures....may be somethin' likes "Decoratin' Dino-style on a Budget..."

  3. I have some ideas for these.
    I'll see what I can do to share them!


  4. Hey pallie, cool....becha you never saws yourself as a Dino-decorater before....
