Saturday, December 05, 2009

Ed's Epistle....That's Amore, Dean Martin & Friends Preview

Fellow Dino-zens. Today is a special day for yours truly. Today I will make the trek south to the suburban Chicago town of Joliet Illilois to catch the show of the fabulous Dino-impersonator Mark Adams. The ghosts of entertainers past are in for a special treat. This area drips with Rat Pack lore and Dino legend. It's one of "those" places you read about in obscure tales of mobsters, singers, and dames. Chicago was the hot spot, but the 'burbs' were the hiding places. Tonight's performance will be one to stir the breezes of warmer memories. And warm breezes are just what the Dino-Dr. ordered on this frigid cold Chicago day.

Mark Adams, first introduced to us via the ilovedinomartin blog back in September, will be performing in the magnificent Rialto Square Theater ( We will be following up tonight's performance with our very own ilovedinomartin blog show review. I'll be observing, note taking, elbow rubbing, picture taking, eaves dropping, and bathing in all things Dino tonight.

So stay tuned for ilovedinomartin show review coming your way over the next few days. I'll have details, thoughts and opinions from everything from the song list to the Golddiggers!

Stay warm Pally!


  1. Hey pallie, just wanna lets you know that I wishes to the coolest of the cool Dino-times from time that you dress yourself with flair, to travelin' to the grand theatre, to every Dino-moment of Mr. Adams' Dino-production, to your journey home...wishes it all will be the Dino-greatest for our great pallie Ed...and, of course, will be so lookin' forward to all your Dino-patter of your total Dino-experience....may the Dino-force goes with ya!

  2. Wish I could do it DMP. Hopefully he'll be in Singapore soon. Sammy Davis Jr was here years ago.
