Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Ed's Epistle.....That's Amore, Dean Martin & Friends Review! Part III

I've seen my fair share of Dino/Rat Pack impersonator shows in my life, and what they all have in common is the weak link. The essence of Dino is the most difficult, it seems, to capture and re-distribute to the masses. Like Elvis impersonators, Sinatra seems to have a large market for them. Sammy is a difficult act to follow, however most seem to focus on his singing. Sammy was more than a singer.

Dino is a difficult act to mimic on account that he's a personality. He's a singer, a comic, a dancer. It's his unique sounds and gestures that seem so natural that make it difficult to copy. I have yet to see any Dino impersonator to hit Dino straight on. From a sound aspect, many impersonators nail Sinatra head on. Same with Sammy.
It's difficult to do Dino vocally, even tougher to mimic his style and tendencies.

Mark Adams, vocally talented, even more so a acting, is about as close to Dino, I think, that we will see in our lifetime. Lyrically, Mr. Adams is stronger than your average impersonator. He's got a tremendous voice on his own, and he doesn't need to mimic anyone cause he's got his own gig if needed. His voice for Dino-tunes is an acquired one. For the most part it grows on you, and by the end of the show he has you sold as Dino. However there are a few tunes that he absolutely nails. Dino tunes, to be honest, this Dino-phile really didn't think anyone else could pull off. What a treat for those! That said, the tunes that sound so Dino are the tunes that remind you that he's slightly not so Dino on the others. Which is a shame how that works out, cause Mr. Adams is head and shoulders above all the rest. But at the end of the night, he's simply audio nectar.

His dark hair and good looks gets him by if a pally squints. Dino looks are hard to come by.
What ultimately sets Mr. Adams apart from the others, is his ability to nail Dino mannerisms and Dino-patter. If you're left awestruck from his singing, you'll be mesmerized by his Dino-antics! The hands, the voice inflections, comic timing, and just plain old impersonations are spot on. I haven't witness this Dino-cloning in my lifetime, and I'm sure I won't be seeing it again anytime soon! This was the cherry on top-o-thee-pie for me. I was ready for music and song, dancing girls and Dino! But man, the impressions were a true genuine blast from the past voyage in time.

The only thing I would change, or add to the show, would have to be the background. How great it would have been to see the familiar Dino-Den in the background. With the calf skin couch, the firepole, and all that other good mother jazz!

I strongly suggest that, if you can, check out this show. It's a "Don't Miss!!" Tell your friends, or relatives, or folks you know. If this show comes to your town, please do yourself a Dino-Favor and checks it out!!!

Here is the perfect clip one would expect to "hear" at the show. Is it live? Or is it Dino?


  1. Hey pallie, what a grand conclusion to your Dino-review of Mr. wishes I coulda been sittin' there next to ya drinkin in the "audio nectar" of his Dino-emulation.

    Thanks so much for makin' the Dino-investment of time, energy, and bread to bring us this special ed of Ed's usual your true Dino-devotion shines through!

  2. Such a great post Ed! As usual : )
