Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Dean Martin's Ex Sues Trustee for Royalties

Hey pallies, here is some more late breakin' news that sheds more Dino-light on the Jeanne's law suit. Remember pallies to stay tuned for Ed's reactions to these Dino-happenin's in a special edition of Ed's Epistle that will air tomorrow right here at ilovedinomartin.

Thanks to the site "Court House News" and Miss Karina Brown for these Dino-details on the Jeanne suit. Again, if you wanna view this in it's original format, just clicks on the title of this Dino-post. Dinolearnin', DMP

Dean Martin's Ex Sues Trustee for Royalties


LOS ANGELES (CN) - Since Dean Martin's talent agent died in 2003, the trustee of the Martin Family Trust pocketed $130,000 in agency commissions, though she never acted as Martin's agent, Martin's ex-wife claims in Superior Court.

Jeanne Martin says she and Martin divorced in 1973, after 24 years of marriage.

She says their divorce settlement granted her half of the royalties from records the famous crooner made before their divorce.

The singer agreed that his talent agency, International Creative Management, could take its 10 percent commission before giving Jeanne half of his royalties, according to the complaint.

After Dean Martin died in 1995, his agent, Mort Viner, and defendant Laura Lizer became co-trustees of the Dean Martin Family Trust, which consisted of Dean Martin's half of his royalty payments, the complaint states.

Jeanne Martin says she is a trust beneficiary, in addition to being entitled to half of the royalties.

Viner rightfully continued to deduct his agency fees until his death in 2003, according to the complaint. After that, Jeanne Martin says, Lizer became the sole trustee.

She says Viner's death ended the trust's obligation to pay agency fees, but Lizer continued to take 10 percent off the top of the royalties.

She sued Lizer, demanding the money back, an accounting and damages.

She is represented by Todd Bonder with Rosenfeld, Meyer & Susman of Beverly Hills.


  1. stay tuned for more... LL is a crook!

  2. Hey pallie, very interestin'...woulda be so interested in how you located this Dino-post which is likes over a year old...and, are you a Dino-devotee?

  3. Huge fan of Dean Martin. Was Googling for info regarding a rumored lawsuit in progress.

  4. BIG Dean Martin fan here. Was Googling for info on a rumored lawsuit against LL.

  5. Big Dean Martin fan. Heard about the suit by the former Mrs. Looking for more info regarding another suit against LL.

  6. Hey pallie, likes if you learn anythin' new, let's us know...and btw, keeps lovin' our Dino!
