Friday, December 04, 2009

Blind man would love a Dean Martin CD, and hopes Operation Holiday can help

Hey pallies, on this fourth day of Dino-winter-month here at ilovedinomartin we move from the "takin'" mood of the last two days (as we reflected on the Jeanne's current lawsuit 'gainst the Dean Martin Family Trust exec) to puttin' the accent on spreadin' some seasonal Dino-cheer by doin' what our Dino always does...givin' so freely of himself to his beloved pallies.

We begin day 4 of Dino-winter-month by puttin' out a Dino-plea for the help of our faithful Dino-readers of ilovedinomartin. Truly,all you that truly knows our Dino knows how generous he was in helpin' others that are less fortunate....well, today in the truest spirit of our Dino, we are offerin' each and every one of you that considers yourself a devotee of great man the Dino-opportunity to share some Dino-treasure with a pallie who finds themselves in real Dino-need.

It seems that an 86-year-old, blind, Dino-lovin' pallie named Jack woulda loves to have a CD of Dino-tunes in his stockin' this year. I have purchased the "silver" Dino CD that went platinum...."DINO: The Essential Dean Martin" and mailed it out last Tuesday to cheer our pallie Jack durin' Dino-winter-month are far beyond.

I desires to challenge all other generous Dino-readers of ilovedinomartin to do the same....instead of Mr. Jack just gettin' 1 Dino CD, how cool woulda it be it he got a whole Dino-bunch! So, pallies, read all the Dino-details below as to where to mail the Dino-gift (pallie Jack's story is near the end of this Dino-post)....and please post which Dinotunes you plan to purchase for Mr. Jack so that we can avoid Dino-duplication.

Want to thank you in advance for your Dino support of this little Dino-project of Dino-cheer! Let's let Jack knows that there are Dino-givers out there in the midst of such a takin' world. Can't tell you the real Dino-high I gots as I bought and mailed out that Dino-disc knowin' that in one small way I was spreadin' the Dino-message of carin' and sharin' 'specially in this special season of Dino-devotion.

I thanks Mr. Matt Harper who's article in the Daily Record blog has brought this Dino-opportunity to our attention. To read this in it's original format, just clicks on the title of this Dino-post. Dino-expectantly, DMP

Blind man would love a Dean Martin CD, and hopes Operation Holiday can help


Caroline (Case E-10) adopted twins John and Jackie, 5, after her sister passed away last year. The children brighten this single mom's life, but meeting their needs on a one income has been a challenge. John is energetic and full of life,
and his sister has been diagnosed with special needs, which require even more of Caroline's attention. Her mother, Ethel, has moved in with the family to help tend to the children, but she has health concerns of her own.

Caroline is working as much as she can as a receptionist to cover the family's bills, but that doesn't leave much for Christmas gifts for the children. That's why she has asked Operation Holiday for help.

Now in its 38th year, Operation Holiday is a partnership between the Woman's Club of Morristown and the Daily Record.

In conjunction with more than 20 social service agencies, Operation Holiday, with help from our readers, works to brighten the holidays of Morris County's needy by providing necessary items they cannot afford and by granting some of their very special wishes. The program helps a variety of Morris County residents, including individuals with disabilities or mental illnesses, those left jobless or homeless, or those just barely making ends meet. Many find themselves all alone at this time of year. Each day until Christmas, we will share with you the stories of those helped by Operation Holiday.

Last year our readers' generous donations allowed us to help more than 600 individuals and families in Morris County, and this year we hope to help even more. But we can't do it without you.

John needs long-sleeve shirts and sweatpants in size 4T and could use warm sweaters and pajamas in size 5T. He loves playing with toy cars. Jackie could use sweatpants in size 5T and long-sleeve tops and sweaters in size 6. She loves
anything princess. Ethel could use a set of warm pajamas in size 3X and elastic waist pants in size 26/28. Caroline would appreciate her own pair of warm pajamas and a sweater in size 2X and jeans in size 24.

Bobbi (Case H-3) has endured many struggles over her 17 years. After being removed from her home due to physical and emotional abuse, she was also removed from several foster placements because of abuse and neglect. She has worked hard to overcome depression and anxiety and is now doing well in school and participating in extracurricular activities. She would appreciate receiving a hair straightener and a gift card to Target. Her special wish is for a digital camera to take photos with her friends.

Jack (Case K-41) is 85 and currently living in a nursing home. Though he can no longer see, he does all he can to maintain his independence and enjoys spending times with his friends. Unfortunately, he cannot afford new clothes, and would love to receive some. He could use flannel shirts and sweatpants in size large. He loves the music of Dean Martin and would very much enjoy one of his CDs.

Contributions to this year's Operation Holiday campaign can be mailed to Operation Holiday, P.O. Box 6382, Parsippany, N.J. 07054. Donations are tax-deductible, and every penny goes to help the needy of Morris County. All administrative costs are covered by the sponsors, and all work is done with the help of volunteers.


  1. Great post pally! Wonderful start to the season! Maybe we can make this a continuing theme on the blog, extend the giving to a year round thing?

    I'll be sending sending Jack the CD "Relax, It's Dean Martin (Greatest Hits)". Gots some great cuts on it.

    I hopes everyone can contribute, but knowing the times, its understandable if they can't.


  2. Hey pallie, thanks Ed....and thanks for your Dino-contribution to Mr. Jack....that is one Dino-disc that I have not made acquaintance with...and you are right...bread is short in this direction as well...but the look on Jack's face will definitely be priceless when he learns that Dino-lovers from 'round the country have responded to his Dino-request!
