Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our Dino and the kid in "Scared Stiff"

Hey pallies, like Dinoween is just 'round the corner and I just have to share some Dinoween Dinotreasure....decided to begins with our Dino and the jer's one scary comedy....."Scared Stiff."

Thanks to great pallies at youtube who continue to post huge quanities of Dinotreasures which is so way is the complete movie of "Scared Stiff" in 16 count 'em glorious Dinoparts. I have the 2 Dinosets of Dino and the kid flicks and I can't wait to watch this stellar Dinocomedy for Dinoween.

Enjoys pallies and be sure to gets huge quanities of our Dino on Dinoween! Dinoenthralled, DMP


  1. Love it! Especially with Dorothy Malone - what a smart cookie, and a bad girl!


  2. Hey pallie, thanks for droppin' by the ol' ilovedinomartin Dinoblog...and welcome home after all your travels Miss Gayle Carline....have a fun time on Dinoween....
