Friday, October 23, 2009

Dean Martin sings “3 Coins in the Fountain” for 1955 Oscars

Hey pallies, just findin' more and more of our Dino all over the at a blogg tagged "Coin Collecting Made Simple" (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there) is some rare footage from the 1955 Oscar Awards where our Dino sings the nominated tune "Three Coins In The Fountain."

Makes cents (gets the punn pallies?) that a coin collectin' blogg would feature our Dino singin' 'bout coinage. Never ever saw this Dinoclip before and loves seein' and hearin' our Dino sings seriously....and cool to see Mr. Bing intro the jer and the jer intro our Dino.

Just never know where our Dino is goin' to appear next....and all these unique Dinopostin's means pallies of all types and stripes are gettin' introducted to our Dino and makin' more and more pallies true Dinodevotees.

Loves it pallies, loves it! and when you clicks on this coin blogg checks out all the Dinolove expressed in the comments section! Dinoreportin', DMP

Dean Martin sings “3 Coins in the Fountain” for 1955 Oscars
by admin on October 22, 2009

Bob hope introduces Jerry Lewis, who introduces Dean Martin. Dean Martin sings the Oscar nominated "3 Coins in the Fountain". Taken from the 27th annual Academy Awards show of 1955.

Duration : 0:3:44

Tagged as: 1955, Academy, awards, Bob, dean, Hope, Jerry, Lewis, Martin, Oscars


  1. Hey DMP: This was your best post ever. That Oscar snippet was bea-u-ti-ful. I love the live-ness of it. And that voice. Sorely missed.

  2. Hey pallie, well thank you ma' never knows what will touch a Dinoheart in a special Dinoway....I was thrilled to find this Dinoclip and yeah, gotta agree with all that you said 'bout just might wanna leaves some Dinopatter at the original blogg to let 'em know how much you are Dinodelighted by this....

  3. DMP: You will need to give me the exact blog address. I am on a Mac so I am not seeing any "tag "for that "click on the tag" business you are always writing about.
    PS: If Dino was still here, he would be on a Mac. Because a Mac is just such laid-back way to compute.
    PPS: But then again he couldn't even work his VHS player, so maybe he would be on no computer at all.

  4. Hey pallie, what I mean by the tagg is the title of the particular this case "Dean Martin sings "3 Coins in the Fountain" for 1955 Oscars"....usually if you click the title of the Dinogram it will take you to where I found the original Dinopostin'. Don't think our Dino was interested in thin's like computers....I only use 'em to help spread the Dinomessage to create more Dinoaweness throughout the Dinoglobe!

  5. What a great interpretation! and what a soft and tender vocie. I have heard Sinatra's version before but that Dino's version is new for me. It likes me very much.

  6. Hey pallie, thanks for droppin' in and makes my so very happy to hear those words of Dinoappreciato for our Dino...we'll turn you into a Dino-only kinda pallie befores you knows it.....'cause truly only Dino matters....

  7. Oh duh! Thanks for making that clear for me.

  8. Hey pallie, no problemo, there are a lot of terms used on the web that I don't have a clue 'bout...if there are other thin's in the Dinolingo that you don't understand, likes please just ask...loves the Dinolingo, but wants it to be understood as Dinowell....

  9. "DMP: You will need to give me the exact blog address. I am on a Mac so I am not seeing any "tag "for that "click on the tag" business you are always writing about.
    PS: If Dino was still here, he would be on a Mac. Because a Mac is just such laid-back way to compute.
    PPS: But then again he couldn't even work his VHS player, so maybe he would be on no computer at all." hahah :P

    I am trying to get my hands on that Oscars! I heard that someone in Japan has it actually! if i have, i will fly all the way to japan to get a copy of that!!

  10. Hey pallie, let's us know what you Dinodiscover....wonderin' how you found out that someone in Japan mighta have such Dinotreasure...and yeah, I'm sure you woulda go anywhere to gets more of our Dino....that's true Dinoholicism...
