Monday, September 07, 2009

On This Day In Dino History...our Dino and the jer reunite on the MDA telethon

Hey pallies, well it's Labor Day 'gain and time to repost the Dinovids of our Dino and the kid makin' up at the 1976 MDA telethon. The first one is of much finer viewin' quality then the 2nd and 3rd...but two and three offer more footage of the reunion. Notes how lovin' our Dino is pallies....the most lovin' dude ever.....and how psyched the jer is to see his old mate.... Dinodelightedly, DMP


  1. One of the biggest and best things that happened that year, and all thanks to Frank ; )
    But is it just me, or does Dean seem a little too "drunk" or at least more then usual?

  2. Hey pallie, yeah for this one thin' I guess we oughta give the frankie a bit of credit...well coulda be some liquid refreshment...coulda be his fondness for percodan at this time in his life...perhaps both...but it is our King of Cool none-the-less..

  3. Thank you for this post. What time of night was this, do you know? I can't be sure if I saw this live (we always had the telethon on night and day so I may have) but it sure made all the newscasts. Remember how big this reunion was? And how great were Frank and Dean together?

    Hi Maria: I don't think Dean was anything more than himself. But I think he really started to decline and I blame the whole Cathy business on it.

  4. yeah, i though so too.. Or maybe he took a few before getting on because he was nervous? But then again i think you are right. It's around that time when he took a little too many pills..
    But he is cool as ever ; )

  5. Hey pallie, haven't done the Dinoresearch to knows what time this occured, will see what I can find on this Dinoquire...with you on my lack of appreciato for Cathy "with the candified K"..but don't think our Dino cared 'nough for her to be much on his mind..our Dino was always his own so detached...actually think the only thin' that really weighted heavily on his mind was the death of his beloved boypallie Dino Jr....even though he said in a televised interview that he and the Jeanne were fatalists...

  6. Hey pallie, yeah, our Dino is always the greatest no matter what....and we all loves him for that

  7. DMP, this is before death of Dino Jr.. And yes, i do agree with Sannie, or at least a little bit.. Dean never cared that much for that woman, but he sure wasn't happy with her!

  8. Hey pallie, yeah, exactly...the reunion was before Dino Jr. demise......if fact, likes am so glad the reunitin' happened before the greatest saddness of our Dino's life happened....the jer was so supportive of our Dino upon his boypallie Dino's death...just meant that the only time I thinks that our Dino was affected by 'nother human bein' was when Dino Jr. downed the jet....

  9. Dean was a man of many contradictions: if he was already so detached, why the pills? If nothing fazed him, why the bleeding ulcers? He just got old so fast (in 1976 he wasn't even 60). And when Dino died, that was pretty much it. He deserved to be happier.

  10. Hey pallie, well supposedly the percadon was for his back least to begin with....and I did not know 'til recently that too many pills can cause ulcers...not just worry.

    I agree that our Dino deserved all the happiness that he coulda grab for...after all looks at the happiness that he still is givin' to pallies like Dinoholics likes you and me.

    Some may call it a "mid-life crisis...I just likes to think that when he cut loose from the Jeanne his own persona became more his entertainer persona....he loved youngen's like Miss USA Gail Renshaw, 21;the "hair salon receptionist Cathy with the "candified K", 24; and 19 year old UCLA co-ed Andre Boyer among others. He loved goin' clubbin' with 'em at pads like the Candy Store Discotheque. He grew fond of percodan which probably helped him frugg with is young friends. He enjoyed more liquid refreshments
    than yeah, he lived the high life and the high life eventually caught up with him.

    Our Dino, the ever wise one, once was quoted as sayin' "If I knew I was goin' to live this long, I woulda taken better care of myself"...and he said it in that detached jokin' manner that he is so famous for.

  11. I totally agree. He just went to hell with himself. That is why I prefer the Dean Martin of Martin and Lewis to his later self. And what makes me so so sad is that with all those kids (and the ex) he died completely alone.

    BTW: My mother, who lived to be 90, said pretty much the same thing about aging. She said, "If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have moisturized." :)

  12. Hey pallie, yeah, nows the Jeanne claimed to be at his side, but we know that ain't the case...but I actually believe that our Dino wanted to go out alone...sad, but in character with how he lived his life....
