Saturday, September 12, 2009

"a must read for all Dinoholicly inclined diggers of murder and mayhem."

Hey pallies, likes sometimes when I have a few, I love to google ilovedinomartin to see what others may be sayin' 'bout this humble little Dinoblog. Well, recently found that the Dinoreview of "Freezer Burn" by Miss Gayle Carline that I did here at ilovedinomartin has been quoted at Echelon Press as part of their promotion of Miss Gayle's stellar Dinobook.

If you clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram you will be taken to the Echelon Press site where you can read my Dinoblurb in all it's Dinoglory. I was just pleased as Dinopunch to see the press usin' my praise of Miss Gayle Carline's book....which is truly deservin' of such praise...and drawin' others to the ilovedinomartin Dinoblog and to gettin' to know, love, and honor our Dino.

And, btw, pallies, likes if you haven't gotten your copy of Miss Gayle Carline's amazin' murder mystery, please do so is fun of such Dinoreadin' Dinopleasure.... Dinodevotedly, DMP

"Freezer Burn is a must read for all Dinoholicly inclined diggers of murder and mayhem. So, y'all do yourselves a fav and treat yourself to a read of Miss Gayle Carline's stellar murder mystery." –Ilovedinomartin Blog

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