Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Legendary Dean Martin!

Hey pallies, our Maria's sharin' of that oh so cool pix of our Dino with the towel reminded me that when our Dino was a youngen' one of his earliest jobs was as a towel boy....so I decided to google Dean Martin towel boy with google images to see what I gots and here is where our Dino lead me.

Loves this autographed pix of our Dino with chick from one of the Matt Helm capers. Gotta wonder if it is still for sale. To checks this out on the original site, just likes clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.

Gotta 'fess up that I gots to wonder in the 'graph is real 'cause the date on it is likes '91 and near the end of our Dino's life and why woulda our Dino be signin' an autograph from a '60s era Dinophoto in '91...but still loves this pix of our Dino. Dinoforever, DMP

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Legendary Dean Martin!

This is a fantastic vintage signed 10x8 of the legendary Dean Martin that he has hand signed. He is one of the most famous performers in Hollywood history and this is a great autograph at a fair price!
High End Retail Gallery Price $399
Our Special Sale Price $49
Posted by Blake Autographs at 7:16 PM

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