Thursday, August 06, 2009

The special featured on the DVD show a large amount of the unused footage, which also starred Dean Martin and Cyd Charisse as Bianca.

Hey pallies, likes I am totally totally Dinopsyched.....while followin' a google Dino'lert to the blogg "Maggies Film Journal" (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to see total post) I like learned that the Doris Day 1963 flick "Move Over, Darling"....has a "special featured on the DVD show a large amount of the unused footage, which also starred Dean Martin and Cyd Charisse as Bianca." That footage that is bein' referred to in the unfinished Dinoflick "Something's Gotta Give" that featured our Dino and Miss Marilyn Monroe in her last big screen appearance.

I have been wonderin' for so so Dinolong how to get my hands on footage of "Something's Gotta Give" and likes today our Dino lead and guided me to this Maggie chick's movie blogg where the Dinoanswer awaited. Well, gotta tell ya something indeed has gotta give....and that is first thin' in the mornin' to put an order in for the DVD of "Move Over Darling." Not that I ever will watch that flick, but I gotta have those scenes from "Something's Gotta Give."

Below are four clips from the Dinoflick with Miss Marilyn. Enjoys pallies, and likes 'nother Dinomystery has been solved...thanks to our Dino and his provision.... Dinopsyched, DMP


  1. Hi there,
    I still visit your blog and find it fascinating. I hope you don't mind me connecting it to mine as some friends also visit it.

    Cyd Charisse was my favourite star and dancer, leggy, sensual and beautiful. Sometimes you wish these great artistes could live forever.

    Thanks for the memories.

  2. Hey pallie, cool that you find this here Dinoblog fascinatin'....I am quite flattered that you have connected ilovedinomartin to your are most welcome for the memories....btw, really did not mean to be rude when I did not take the kind offer from your friend Michael...but I do not like to give out my address over the how have you been?

  3. I bought this in Las Vegas, on DVD.. It was in a small store with old records and movies.. The guy who worked there showed me this big case with Dean's, Frank's and other Rat Pack movies :D

  4. Hey pallie, so glads to have you back at our humble ilovedinomartin that you founds this in Dino's playland...'Vegas....coulda you share all the Dinotreasures you gots on your Dinopilgrimage?

  5. I bought: Dean Martin: Wine, Women and Golf, Dean Martin: Singles, The Essence Of Frank Sinatra, Frank and His Fabulous Rat Pack, The Rat Pack Forever, a couple of Colgate Hour Dvd's, Dean Martin Live In Vegas, Rat Pack Live In Vegas, Rat Pack Live and lots of other CD's and Dvd's : )

  6. Hey pallie, how stellar it that....your Dinocollection is likes outta sight...I placed an order this week for "Move Over, Darling to gets my hands on those clips from "Something's Gotta Give." Have you watched 'em there quite a bit from this never shown Dinoflick?

  7. Yes, the hole movie is there, or at least what they filmed..
    I watched it today.. and Rat Pack live.. You see, i lost my voice totally, so i have to seat at home for the rest of the week and don't speak at all :P So i watched like 10 Dino movies today :P

    By the way, if you have some more question, i will be more that trilled : )

  8. Hey pallie, likes I was so thrilled to learn last week 'bout these portions bein' on "Move Over, Darling." Couldn't care less 'bout seein' that...can't wait to see our Dino and Miss Marilyn in the clips...

    So, likes what all did you view this Dinoday in your own little Dinofest?

    Yea, just been waitin' for your return to do some more Dinoquires...gotta think of other Dinothin's to ask....may do a series of questions on your Dinopilgrimages...what d'ya think of that Dinonotion?

  9. Well i saw every movie that Dean and Jerry made... not the first 4.. It was very hard too watch them, coarse i just had to lough, but it heart like hell because my trough hurts like hell all the time : ( But the pain was worth it !!

    Yes, that would be cool!

  10. Hey pallie, likes nothin' is to high a price to pay to honor our Dino....a Dino and the jer fest...sounds like just what the doctor ordered...gotta ask...the one Dino and the kid flick that I don't have is "Three Ring Circus"...d'ya by chance have that?

    Will try to gets some Dinoquestions to you in a few...

  11. No, and to be honest i really don't want to see it either.. Because while there were shooting that flick, Dean and Jerry fought so much and Dean really hated that movie.. So he i think that one picture he hated the most!

  12. Hey pallie, does thinks you are Dinocorrect on this...have seen a few clips on youtube...woulda still likes to have it in my Dinocollection and be able to study our Dino's reactions...

  13. Yeah, i have seen some youtube clips too.. and i think that it is possible to see how much tension there is between them!

  14. Hey pallie, think so to...maybe one day we can each study the clips and share our Dinoinsights...I also wanna watch our Dino's last Dino and the kid flicks...."Hollywood Or Bust" to see the interactions between 'em....

  15. Yeah, i like that one.. I saw it today : ) Love that movie, but you can see how much tension there is between them!

  16. Hey pallie, it is a fun Dinoadventure for when I gets to watch it 'gain, will be speakin' with you more in depth of whata you see...

  17. Hey pallie, will be lookin' so forward to it...yeah know, there is no end to the Dinoconversations that we can have pallie...and every one is so Dinoworth it...
