Friday, August 14, 2009

our Dino sings "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" from the Dinoshow

Hey pallies, our celebration of the Day that our Dino knocked the Beatles off the charts, August 15, 1964 continues with 'nother version of "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime," the tune that beat up the Beatles.

This is one of my fav Dinorenditions of it taken from that stellar DinoDVD "That's Amore," featurin' fav moments from the Dinoshow. Here you will catch Greg Garrison speakin' of how "I just love this guy" and how much he misses our Dino. Some great pixs from the Dinoshow are intertwined with the Dinosong and at the end loves how our Dino sez, "everybody loves somebody sometime, and I love all of you, so takes care of yourselves....."

How wonderful to know that we are loved by our Dino. Sits back and enjoys watchin' our great man sings the great song that shows our Dino to be superior to all comers..
Dinoadmirin', DMP


  1. I love this episode.. He made that song so special some how.. I just couldn't take my eyes from him, but at the same time i couldn't stop listening to the song.. Oh, i would give anything for a time machine just to be able to see him live at least once!
    And he looks so cool and relaxed (as always) in casual cloth. I can never get used to his appeal, coolness, sexiness and just being so.. Dean Martin, The King Of Cool.
    Why don't they make men like this now a days :(?

  2. Hey pallie, me, too, I know what ya mean....our Dino is the total package and loves watchin' him sing as I try to also concentrate on the wisdom of the words he is singin' you so wisely have said, someone likes our Dino only comes along once every hundred years...and I really don't think anyone ever will come our way again like our King of Cool.....

  3. By the way, how do you put youtube link so that they actually work?

  4. Hey pallie, you copy the "embed" link on the right hand side of the page....comprehendo...if not, ask again....

  5. Oo, yeah i think i get it now : ) Thanks!

  6. Hey pallie, no problemo, likes just part of showin' true Dinopalliedom....
